[@Pirouette] [color=A0B068]‘Oh, hey, thanks! Good luck, you too!’[/color] Colin said, before moving off the stage. [color=576BC0]‘Erika has decided to go again! But, she needs a new opponent! Her foe will be selected among the ones that won an earlier round!’[/color] Makirisu called. With that, and after a little delay during which most certainly someone was retrieving a person, an opponent was appearing on the other side of the arena. [color=576BC0]‘We’ve got John, the Chefmaster! He’s a chef, but he’s also a Pokémon Trainer! He’s so dedicated to his job, he’s LITERALLY STILL COOKING!’[/color] Makirisu called, and indeed, there was a chef… somehow with some food being cooked in a frying pan! [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/g1NHcS9.png[/img][/center] [color=6671ab]‘Hello! I am John, and I’m a chef! But, I also like Pokémon battling! Let’s make this quick, I’m keeping this order warm in the meantime!’[/color] he said, while very jolly. [color=576BC0]‘With that, it’s time for a new battle to begin! First, we must decide on the rules!’[/color] Makirisu called, and her Pachirisu excitedly jumped upon the wheel and spun it. There were a lot of options, and the wheel was positioned pretty high so it was sort of difficult to read the options, they were so many. But, eventually, it stopped on… [color=576BC0]‘KING OF THE HILL!’[/color] Makirisu called, and the audience cheered. Suddenly, the stage shifted. Mechanics working underneath raised the middle platform, and the rest became an incline leading up to it. The Pokéball shape usually found in the middle of the Pokémon arenas remained flat, and started to shine. [color=576BC0]‘The rules are simple! The team that spends the longest amount of time on top of the hill wins! No Pokémon can be knocked out, but they sure can be knocked DOWN!’[/color] she explained. [color=576BC0]‘There are two more factors that need to be decided! Team-size and how long the battle will be!’[/color] As she explained so, two more, smaller wheels appeared next to the bigger wheel. They eventually came to a stop, and… [color=576BC0]‘Three Pokémon each, the game will only last two minutes! For your team to earn points, there must be NO opposing Pokémon on the top! It only counts when you rule the top alone!’[/color] Makirisu called. So went the rules. John nodded, and used some serving pincers to fish up three Pokéballs, and then sent them out. A large, dinosaur-like Pokémon with large green leaves as wings, a flying ice-cream and a fire monkey. [center][url=https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Tropius_(Pok%C3%A9mon)][img]https://i.imgur.com/fHBruEy.png[/img][/url] [color=6ecff6][i]Pokédex Entry #357 – Tropius, the Fruit Pokémon. This Pokémon continuously seeks out and eats fruit, growing more nourishing fruit itself the more it eats. It flies by flapping its giant leaves, somehow. It’s normally found in jungles, but Isson doesn’t have jungles, so instead they inhabit the rainy Northern Silent Forest and its Southern counterpart occasionally.[/i][/color][/center] [center][url=https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Vanillite_(Pok%C3%A9mon)][img]https://i.imgur.com/MmNadAR.png[/img][/url] [color=6ecff6][i]Pokédex Entry #582 – Vanillite, the Fresh Snow Pokémon. Born from icicles bathed in morning sunlight, they can use their cold breath to create snow crystals and make it lightly snow around them. They’re pleasantly cool to be around, so they’re commonly kept around indoors when it’s hot to keep it cool.[/i][/color][/center] [center][url=https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pansear_(Pok%C3%A9mon)][img]https://i.imgur.com/UQPx3lc.png[/img][/url] [color=6ecff6][i]Pokédex Entry #513 – Pansear, the High Temp Pokémon. It lives in caves in volcanos. It has been noted to be very intelligent, using the tuft on its head to cook food for people and Pokémon. It generally likes to help people. Its temperature increases when angered, the tuft on its head can reach 600 degrees fahrenheit.[/i][/color][/center] [color=6671ab]‘Okay, here we go…’[/color] John turned to his team. [color=6671ab]‘Pansear, try to put your enemies to sleep with Yawn, and use Fury Swipes to get them off the top otherwise. Incinerate works well, too. Tropius, use Razor Leaf to dissuade the opponents from coming to the top as you fly up, and then drop down on the top with a Stomp! Vanillite, blow them down with Icy Wind! All of you, charge for the top, and blow them away!’[/color] John’s strategy might change depending on what he faces. Erika was to send out her chosen three and possibly talk strategy with them… and eventually. [color=576BC0]‘The time has come! Everyone ready!?’[/color] Makirisu asked excitedly. [color=576BC0]‘3…! 2…! 1………….!’[/color] [color=576BC0]‘GO!’[/color] ________________________ [@Joshua Tamashii] [@Remram] [color=e04f4f]‘Oh,’[/color] Anise made a noise as Amelia switched Pokémon. [color=e04f4f]‘Oh, no. A flying ghost,’[/color] she lamented, and she considered her options. However, Amelia did not take her time, so Anise had to make a call. [color=e04f4f]‘Riolu, dodge! Hide behind a tree!’[/color] Except, the distance to the nearest tree was too far. Riolu leapt, but was caught mid-jump by the Gust, blowing him away with Super-Effective damage! Riolu fainted! Since this is training, additional experience will be provided. [center][color=6ecff6][i]Yamask grew to level 9! Yamask learned Haze! Drifloon grew to level 13! Drifloon learned Focus Energy![/i][/color][/center] [color=e04f4f]‘… Alright. I do have one trick up my sleeve, I suppose…’[/color] Anise commented, and she threw another Pokéball… [color=e04f4f]‘Go, Froakie!’[/color] [center][url=http://cdn2.bulbagarden.net/upload/1/18/656Froakie.png][img]http://i.imgur.com/Nd1DXEG.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][color=6ecff6][i]Pokédex Entry #656 – Froakie, the Bubble Frog Pokémon. It secretes flexible and delicate bubbles from its chest and back which absorb damage that would otherwise damage it. While it is known for a happy-go-lucky attitude, it has astute awareness of its surroundings.[/i][/color][/center] The blue frog manifested, ready to battle. [color=e04f4f]‘Froakie! Dodge forward, avoid any gusts or other things it throws your way… Then LICK!’[/color] she commanded, and Froakie nodded and skipped forward, frog-jumping while trying to keep his eyes on his opponent while he looked for an opportunity to jump close with its tongue with this Ghost-type move it learns at a low level for some reason! What would Amelia do? ________________________ [@Remram] Anise was way too focused on the battle to give Basil more than a glance and a tiny nod before refocusing on the battle. This was perhaps the worst place in Isson to find a police station, as this village wasn’t the most organized with people just living out in nature because they wanted to and such. There was a reason why it is the only settlement called “Village”, after all. Nonetheless, after asking some locals he did find out there WAS in fact a station nearby, as was customary in Isson. He found the location, and presumably entered. It was quite small, and followed the same architecture as the rest of Stillwood Village. Inside sat a single young lady in a police outfit, watching TV. She had a very large, purple dog next to her with protruding teeth. Upon Basil entering she immediately stood up to walk over to him. [hider=police][url=https://i.imgur.com/qQfTPUX.jpeg][img]https://i.imgur.com/Jwtpo78.png[/img][/url] [center][url=https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Granbull_(Pok%C3%A9mon)][img]https://i.imgur.com/VAxzE6T.png[/img][/url] [color=6ecff6][i]Pokédex Entry #210 – Granbull, the Fairy Pokémon. Despite its looks, it is timid and easily spooked. Its fangs are heavy, causing the Pokémon to tilt itself for balance. In exchange, its bites are very powerful. It will usually attempt to scare away a foe by opening its mouth wide to show its fangs. It only bites if it becomes enraged.[/i][/color][/center][/hider] [color=65c9bf]‘Can I help you?’[/color] she asked. She’d left the dog in front of the TV. How will Basil respond?