[h2][center][color=BFBFBF]Zenkichi Hasegawa[/color][/center][/h2] [center]Lvl 7 [color=BFBFBF]Zenkichi[/color] - (67/70) -> Lvl 8 (2/80) (+1 Pending) [/center] [center]Word count: 4,022 words [/center] [i]Wednesday Morning[/i] As the Hellpod hurtled towards the outskirts of Shinjuku, Zenkichi wondered how exactly he would go about finding the kids, let alone what he’d do when he did. They’d sent a calling card to a friggin’ Consul, for crying out loud! He wasn’t sure if Joker was being an idiot or if they’d figured out some way to take J down, but after fighting Y, C, and Z, Zenkichi knew one thing: he wanted to be there to help. There was too much going on to rope the rest of the Seekers into this, especially since the goal was to avoid pissing off the Consuls, but he could at least lend a hand. Thankfully, actually getting into the city wasn’t terribly difficult, and his current get-up was looked upon as little more than a curiosity or some kind of cosplay. While little bits and pieces here and there betrayed this Shinjuku as not his own, it still felt like the Japan he knew. Walking the streets, he took in the once-familiar sights, a sad smile on his face. Midgar had tainted his feelings a bit when it came to big cities. Part of him couldn’t help but be on guard for an Other incursion, despite the fact that he was far from Midgar itself. [hr] After a couple hours of somewhat aimless wandering, Zenkichi caught sight of a familiar blond head of hair, and rapidly turned to follow after it. He stayed at a distance for a bit, before closing the gap between the two as Ryuji turned a corner, quietly calling out. [color=BFBFBF]”Been a while, hasn’t it, Skull?”[/color] Stepping closer and holding out a hand to pat Ryuji on the shoulder, Zenkichi chuckled. [color=BFBFBF]”Been looking for you guys.”[/color] Ryuji, for his part, nearly had his eyeballs pop out of his head, before he shook it and laughed. “Way to go, gramps! For a second there I didn’t even know it was you. Oh, man, the others are gonna lose their shit when we show up at the hideout!” He laughed, slapping Zenkichi on the back, and jerked his head. “C’mon, follow me, I’ll show ya where we’re holed up!” The boy led the way out of the bustling, crowded city center, away from prying eyes into a more laid-back neighborhood. Closed to vehicular traffic, [url=https://i.imgur.com/w8rpd2Q.png]Sixth Street[/url] boasted a mix of residential buildings and cute, colorful businesses like the music shop Bardic Needle and the toy store Box Galaxy, all stylized with a deliberate old-school aesthetic that encompassed everything from CRT television sets to pay phones to records. Of course, even peaceful neighborhoods weren’t always quiet, and today a handful of rabbids seemed to feuding -or perhaps just playing- with intelligent devices called [url=https://i.imgur.com/M0J1leL.png]bangboo[/url], and together the two groups of rabbit-like mascots were getting into all sorts of antics. Outgoing as ever, Ryuji waved to and greeted plenty of local denizens, shopkeepers, and even bangboo, before finally steering Zenkichi over to what seemed to be the team’s hideout. In typical Ryuji fashion he hadn’t even managed to go the whole trek without mentioning the Phantom Thieves once at full volume, but after confirming that nobody seemed to be following him, Zenkichi ducked into his old team’s new base excited to see the youngsters once more. Inside, Zenkichi found more than he bargained for. From the outside the entrance looked like a manhole, which wasn’t an inviting prospect, but when he climbed to the bottom of the stairs he discovered not sewers, but what appeared to be an underground fallout shelter with an even more retro look, styled after 1950’s America. It opened up into a large square lounge area with red-and-white checkered tiles with a lower section in the middle that resembled an old diner, with a small adjoining segment meant to look like a lawn between two houses, separated with a white picket fence from an image of the sea. Zenkichi saw a pool table, and even a few pinball machines, though whether they worked or not was anyone’s guess. While the [url=https://i.imgur.com/SIs7jws.png]whole place[/url] had clearly seen better days, it was large and well-stocked–not just with supplies, but with Phantom Thieves. They were spread out around one of the booths, and at the sound of footsteps they looked up from their discussion. “Zenkichi?!” A young, casually-dressed woman with blonde pigtails sprang to her feet, hitting her knees on the table in the process. She winced, then hobbled over as fast as she could. As usual the black-furred Morgana trailed after her, big blue eyes wide, scrambling (rather like a cat, despite his frequent claims otherwise) over the back of a chair to take a running leap into Zenkichi’s arms just before Ann embraced him, and even Ryuji threw an arm over the detective’s shoulder. “It’s you! Thank goodness, we were so worried about you!” Zenkichi caught Morgana with ease, hauling the totally-not-a-cat up onto his shoulder and out of squishing range from the hug with Ann. [color=BFBFBF]”Yeah, I was pretty worried about you kids, too. Got a tip you were here and came running.”[/color] “I knew he could do it! You’ve been fusing too, huh?” Morgana never passed up a chance to talk himself up. “Well, I’d recognize that old-man smell anywhere! It’s good to see you again, pops!” Two more of their friends followed suit, showing a little more restraint as they left the table and headed over to receive the new arrival: a solemn-looking young man in white with dull blue hair, and a girl whose short brown hair contrasted deep red eyes. The former bowed formally. “Mr. Hasegawa, sir,” Yusuke greeted him, using all the honorifics he could. “Glad to have you back with us.” Makoto, meanwhile, opted for a handshake and warm smile. The Shujin Academy class president almost always kept a stiff upper lip, but today she allowed her relief to shine through. “Hello and welcome to our humble hideout,” she told him. “It’s an old Hollow shelter, built to keep citizens safe from Ethereals and supplied with sedatives until rescue arrives, should a Hollow consume this area. Sixth Street’s been stable for a long time, so it’s never been used. Technically we’ve been squatting here…” Ryuji shot her an incredulous look, as if to say, [i]come on, for real?[/i] “...Buuut we needed someplace to stay ‘til we’ve finished our mission,” Makoto admitted. “It was locked up tight when we found it, but the lock was electronic, so…” She turned toward the last two Thieves at the table, her attention on the young, bespectacled redhead in particular. Though Futaba had looked up and waved to Zenkichi when she arrived, her attention quickly shifted back to her laptop computer, which she bent over like a shrimp. Next to her, a boy with scruffy black hair and glasses rose with his hands in his pockets, a grin on his face as he regarded the new arrival. “You came at the perfect time,” Joker declared. Each and every one of these teens appeared to be free from Galeem’s influence, creating a conspiratorial atmosphere. “We’ve almost got the whole gang back together. If you’ve still got some fight in you, we could use your help.” Morgana sighed. “Yeah, ‘cause we still haven’t found Haru yet. We need all the firepower we can get!” Joker opened his mouth as if to say something, but fell silent with a sigh. Zenkichi nodded at the knowledge that the Thieves were still missing their explosives expert, wondering where the girl could have wound up. [color=BFBFBF]”So, heard you guys were working on taking down a Consul. So how’s that going?”[/color] “C’mon over and see!” After Morgana leaped down and retraced his steps, Ryuji and Ann basically dragged Zenkichi with them, moving the group back toward the lounge’s tables. When he arrived, he found a map spread out across the surface, with a handful of pictures, playing cards, snipped-up newspapers, and writing utensils scattered around. “We’ve got a big…hyp! Day ahead of us!” Morgana explained as he clambered up onto the seat so that he could plant his paws on the table. “We went over it once already, but let’s break it down for Zenkichi so he’s all caught up!” Ryuji scratched his head. “Uh, could we do the TLDR version this time?” Almost everyone looked at Makoto immediately, which seemed to exasperate her somewhat, but she relented. “Sure…but first, you should tell us how your ‘solo mission’ went. Can we count on that proxy or not?” “Oh yeah, totally!” Ryuji nodded vigorously. “I was on the way back from Random Play when I saw Zenkichi, so I kinda forgot, but yeah. Phaethon’s on board!” Zenkichi looked between the other Phantom Thieves, bewilderment clear on his face. Joker gave a nod of approval. “Good. For a minute there I thought we might really be flying blind. “Ahem, the situation is this,” Makoto began after clearing her throat. “When Joker and the others first arrived here, they began investigating the city. In the course of their investigation, they found Futaba and I, and once we were freed we could join the Phantom Thieves in undertaking a new mission: stealing the heart of the city’s true ruler: J.” She took a breath, then continued. “She calls herself the ‘Consul’. This city has a mayor, but he’s just a puppet. That said, even though she holds all the power, she doesn’t rule. Instead, she conducts Killing Games, abducting handfuls of people -usually students our age- and trapping them in various locations where they’re forced to kill one another.” “All just to savor their despair,” Futuba concluded grimly. Zenkichi shook his head sadly, his mouth a thin line. He knew the Consuls had to keep the blood flowing, but that felt needlessly sadistic. Narrowing his eyes, Yusuke went into more detail. “Specifically, they’re trapped and informed that if they want to leave, they must murder one of the others. When someone is murdered, a trial is convened to figure out who did it. If the group chooses correctly, the murderer is then executed, but if they’re wrong they’re all executed, and the murderer goes free.” He pursed his lips. “Quite the grisly affair. No…if anything, ‘grisly’ is underselling it. It’s an evil, barbarous practice, and it cannot be allowed to continue.” “Hence our mission,” Joker added. “Over the past week, we’ve been working our way closer to her. Since we’ve all been trapped in the Metaverse this whole time, it’s been a lot scarier than infiltrating a palace, but the end result is the same. We find our way in, then steal her heart. And as it happens.” He nodded his head at the paper clippings on the table. “We just sent our calling card yesterday.” Zenkichi blinked when Joker said they were in the Metaverse. [color=BFBFBF]”Uh, wait, huh? Metaverse? Huh, yeah I guess I could see why it would seem that way…”[/color] He muttered, frowning. [color=BFBFBF]”So, what’s J’s jail like?”[/color] He asked, steamrolling over that potential landmine of a conversation. They could hash out the details later. For now, he wanted to get this Consul dealt with and get the kids the hell out of this place. “Jail isn’t quite the right word, but she frequents one school in particular, Hope’s Peak Academy,” Makoto told him. “It’s enormous, more like several schools mashed together into one big labyrinth, and there are plenty of monsters scattered around.” Ann smacked her hands together. “We’re planning to ambush her there today! She just started a new Killing Game, and since the calling card said we’d stop them once and for all, she’s definitely gonna be there.” Zenkichi nodded, hands on the table, looking down at the map. [color=BFBFBF]”So, what’s the plan? And who’s that person you mentioned before, Phaethon?” Name isn’t ringing any bells from…home.”[/color] He avoided saying ‘our world’, because he had a feeling that’d fly like a lead brick, and frankly, it [i]did[/i] sound a little insane, now that he was thinking about it. Were they [i]really[/i] in some bizarre amalgamation of worlds created by a wannabe god, or was this the Metaverse? But if it was the Metaverse, how were they stuck, and how did that explain Gleaming? His head was swimming just trying to parse all the possibilities. Joker decided to answer that one. “Phaethon is a proxy, someone who’s skilled at navigating Hollows. Space is warped inside them, so we can’t navigate normally.” His comment seemed to ruffle Futaba’s feathers. “Yeah, yeah. Just you wait until I get a grip on this proxy thing. I’ll blow Phaethon out of the water.” Chuckling, Joker patted her on the head. “Of course. For now though, we need help, and Phaethon’s our age, so they want to stop J as bad as we do.” “They’re the only reason we have a route in a place like a Hollow at all,” Makoto admitted. “They sync up to a special bangboo to lead us through. Have…you seen one yet, Zenkichi?” Morgana crossed his arms, turning up his pink nose. For whatever reason he didn’t seem to like bangboos. Zenkichi blinked and shook his head. [color=BFBFBF]”I have never heard of either a Bangboo or a Hollow. Well, I’ve heard of a Hollow Child from where I was before this, but that is definitely not what you’re talking about.”[/color] He was trying to keep up, but beyond Hollows being some kind of extra-dimensional space, he didn’t get it at all, and said as much. “Well, don’t worry about it!” Ryuji told him, shrugging. “I sure don’t! Just follow along behind Joker, same as always!” Ann winced. “Well…you could probably stand to think a little harder than Ryuji.” “Well, there’s the pot calling the kettle black! You don’t know anything about Hollows, either!” Ryuji accused her. Not at all subtle, Ann attempted to deflect. “Pssh, yeah right. I totally know…” “We’re getting a little lost in the weeds,” Yusuke interrupted. “But Ryuji, while inelegant, is not wrong. We need merely follow our valiant leader into the fray.” Joker grinned. “Then I say it’s about time we get busy. You guys ready to steal another heart?” [color=BFBFBF]”Yeah, let’s do this.”[/color] Zenkichi confirmed. The Phantom Thieves were more than ready. Once everyone gathered their supplies and equipment for the final raid, it was time to move out. [hr] “I…I can’t believe I did all these things…all just to live forever?” Moebius J panted, her eyes wide with guilt and self-loathing, as the collected Phantom Thieves stood before her, her heart successfully stolen. “Good work.” Joker congratulated the others, a confident smile on his face, as he turned back towards their enemy. “There’s always a future. You’ll have to face the punishment for your crimes, but your life does not have to be defined by the worst of it. There is [i]always[/i] hope.” J’s head sprung up, her eyes blazing. “Hope?! Hope! You…you don’t know [i]anything[/i] if you still think there’s hope! I…no. No. I refuse. I [i]refuse[/i] to live like this. You can’t make me.” Joker turned to the others, confusion evident even behind his mask, and reached out his hand. “J, listen to me-” “No!” Standing up shakily, J stepped back, producing a knife and plunging it into her chest, piercing right through her armor, and removing it before rapidly plunging it into her own chest, over and over. As the Phantom Thieves rushed forward to stop her, she threw herself backwards, trying to crawl away. “I won’t…live with…this despair…” She murmured as she tried to escape, Zenkichi flipping her over and looking at the weight of a thousand lives in the eyes of Moebius J. [color=BFBFBF]”So, this is it for you, right? Once a Moebius dies, you’re out of the system?” [/color] Joker and the others looked at Zenkichi like he was talking nonsense, but J just nodded, tears building in her eyes. “And I wasted all that time. Working for Galeem…working…for the Endless Now. I just thought…I’d get to see so much despair…” her body wracked with a cough as she spit blood up, Zenkichi’s new outfit getting stained with crimson, as he frowned sadly at the girl in his arms. She looked as young as the kids were. [color=BFBFBF]”I’m sorry we couldn’t save you, J. I’m sorry for what Galeem did to you.”[/color] J’s body shook with sad laughter, and she shook her head. “I was like this before Galeem, before Moebius…before the Endless Now. He didn’t do anything to me. It was just…so…boring. Everything. Despair was the only thing that wasn’t boring.” Zenkichi’s eyes hardened a bit at the confession, but he shook his head and hugged J, much to everybody’s surprise. [color=BFBFBF]”It’s terrible. It’s a terrible way to live.”[/color] He chided, gently stroking her hair while the other Phantom Thieves backed away, looking at each other in concern. [color=BFBFBF]”But I understand. When life is so monotonous, so empty, all you look for is what excites you. I used to be the same way. But you hurt so many people doing that. And when you finally face what you did, it hurts so much. You didn’t have to do this, J. I know you didn’t.”[/color] Ann and Makoto looked at each other, realizing what Zenkichi meant, before pulling on Joker and Ryuji’s arms, trying to give Zenkichi privacy to face his demons. “I…I had to…I couldn’t…I can’t…live with all that pain in me. I…I killed [i]so many people[/i] just…for fun.” J cried, hugging Zenkichi as she faded into light. Zenkichi sat there, on his knees, for a minute or so, before taking a deep breath and standing up, turning to the other Thieves. [color=BFBFBF]”I…think I have some things I need to explain. About what happened. About where we are. Because, Joker…this [i]isn’t[/i] the Metaverse.”[/color] [hr] [color=BFBFBF]”I’m just saying, even if this [i]is[/i] the same Demiurge we fought before, in a new form, these are real people around us, not Shadows. I worked with Shadows in Midgar, and they did the same normal thing they did in the Metaverse. Whatever Galeem is, we can’t be playing by the same rules we used to. I watched Konoe die, Joker. Saw his Spirit, whatever that is, and transformed it into his weapon.”[/color] With that, he summoned the Hero’s Saber, and a sad look crossed his face. [color=BFBFBF]”It’s hard for me to believe, too. At the very least, the people around us are real. J was a person until they became a Moebius, and I [i]barely[/i] understand just what that means. I’m in way over my head here, but…I think I should go back to the Avengers, and the other Seekers.” [/color] A wave of shock passed over the other Phantom Thieves. “Gramps, no way! We just got you back!” Ryuji cried. “Mr. Hasegawa, sir, I must implore you to reconsider.” Yusuke closed his eyes and frowned as he spoke, already knowing it was fruitless. “But, Zenkichi-san! We work best as a team, and we still haven’t found Haru, either!” Ann begged, stomping her foot. “If you think that’s best, Mister Hasegawa. I just hope you’ll keep in touch.” Makoto did not beg, nor did she try to convince Zenkichi to stay, but she did hope he wouldn’t just vanish like dust in the wind, and the unsure look on her face made his heart ache. “Awww, come on gramps! You that eager to get rid of us?” Futaba whined. “You [i]will[/i] keep in touch, I hope? If so, I understand.” Joker was the calmest of the group about this, though like always, his motivations and innermost thoughts seemed a mystery to Zenkichi. “Keep us updated on how the war against the Guardians is going, and we’ll let you know if we could use a hand. Phantom Thief style, or Seeker style.” One thing was for sure, and that was that Joker was taking what he’d said seriously. They were in uncharted territory now, with other people having been dragged into the Metaverse, not just their shadows. [color=BFBFBF]”Wouldn’t dream of keeping you in the dark, guys, don’t worry. I’m glad you’re all safe, and I’ll be keeping an eye out for Haru, too. Come on, guys, don’t make an old man cry.” [/color] He joked, holding his arms out for a hug, which Ann and Makoto all too happily obliged. Ryuji slung an arm over Zenkichi’s shoulder, pulling him down a little, and thumped his back. “You keep yourself safe out there, gramps! We’ll do the same, don’t you worry! Ol’ Ryuji’s still got his tank thing going on!” Zenkichi laughed, and pushed the thuggish Phantom Thief with a heart of gold off. [color=BFBFBF]”Yeah, I will. And I’ll let Akane know you guys are all alright, too. I know she misses you, but I couldn’t get her dragged into an attack on a Consul.”[/color] “Of course.” Joker replied simply, nodding. “Regarding the Consuls, you said there are 26 of them? And that when threatened, they take on that more powerful form, that they call Moebius?” Zenkichi nodded. [color=BFBFBF]”Yeah. And, from what I heard about Peach…they can make somebody else one too. To replace the ones we kill.”[/color] Everybody’s face fell at that, the fresh memories (and Zenkichi’s bloodstained tunic to remind them even if they tried to forget) aching. [color=BFBFBF]”If anything, changing their hearts would be the better way to go about it. As long as they’re not as messed up as J was, that is…”[/color] Rubbing the back of his neck, Zenkichi shrugged. “Then we’ll likely keep doing that.” Joker said. “Is there anything else you need?” He asked simply. Zenkichi shook his head in response, smiling. [color=BFBFBF]”Nope. We’re splitting up into a few groups, one of which is gonna be nearby. Meridi-at-Han. If you need me, I’ll be there for the next few days or so. Otherwise, just send me a message.”[/color] Holding up his cell phone, Zenkichi waggled it a bit. [color=BFBFBF]”The internet should be spreading out more now, especially with Bridges free to spread out a bit from Midgar. Good luck, you crazy kids.”[/color] “Good luck, Gramps!” “You too, Zenkichi!” “Yourself as well, Mr. Hasegawa.” “Good luck, Mr. Hasegawa.” “We don’t need luck, Gramps, we got me!” “You too.” With one last round of hugs and handshakes, Zenkichi departed the shelter, waving goodbye to the friends and allies who’d helped him remember what it meant to be a hero. [hr] [i]Monday Morning[/i] Meridi-at-Han was a much livelier place than Midgar or even most of Japan was, Zenkichi had concluded after only a few days there. He’d spent a couple of days on the Avenger after having been picked up, relaying the story of J’s demise and the safety of the Phantom Thieves to everybody he could, along with hanging out with Akane, talking with Sandalphon, and testing out some moves with his new weapons. That, and getting his tunic laundered. One day had been spent relaxing, because Zenkichi was not nearly as young as most of the other Seekers, and Geralt had a half-dozen fusions and mutant metabolism to keep him sprightly. Zenkichi had poorly-done stretches and coffee. His bones ached from the high-octane adventure he’d been dragged into. And, of course, he’d had to climb what felt like a mile of stairs [i]just to get into the city[/i]. No rest for the wicked, it seemed. At least that had been Friday afternoon, and he’d managed to spend Saturday relaxing. Sunday had involved hunting a massive beast to help pay for his stay here and food. And now, Monday, he was finally doing what he was supposed to be: trying to gather information on Consuls and Guardians. He had phoned it in a bit the first few days because he’d already helped take down a Consul, but a new J would be back soon enough. He couldn’t rest on his laurels. So, he wandered the streets, picking up rumors as he went, and any mention of the leader of Shinjuku was like a knife to the heart. Still, he kept his ‘patrols’ up, and heard of something really interesting: a circus was coming to town. Strange, but the World of Light was a strange place. With nothing else to go on, he figured he’d pay it a visit.