[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=82ca9d]Nyx Heir the Wanderer[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.ibb.co/VCdL9K6/NyxasNPC.png[/img] [h3]Hathforth, Plaza Facing the Pier -> Hathforth, The Rose Inn[/h3] [sub][b][color=82ca9d]Skills:[/color][/b] Shift[/sub][/center] [hr][hr] [quote=@Estylwen] Asteria herself nodded smoothly to Arwen. [b]”Your flowers are very pretty, Arwen. I would love them in my hair. You think it would look pretty?”[/b] She said, smiling, blissfully innocent. [/quote] Nyx feels a small pang in her heart, painfully aware of how innocent this child is despite the deeds the Wizard Queen no doubtably forced her to do. Who else but that vile woman would use orphans to do her dirty work? Outwardly, Nyx just smiles widely and nods enthusiastically. [color=82ca9d]“Oh, the yellow and orange will really stand out with your beautiful, snowy hair!”[/color] She hops from foot to foot in an excited matter, portraying an excited little girl who’s found herself a new friend. [color=82ca9d]“Do you have any spare ribbon, m’lady? To tie off the braids?”[/color] Nyx asks as she leads Asteria and Deven to a nearby inn. [color=82ca9d]“If not, I have some here. I know it ain’t up to your standards, m’lady, but I know the innkeeper here – I’m sure she’d let us borrow one of her rooms!”[/color] She lets herself really start thinking like a child, just her and her friend spending the afternoon together making flower crowns and plucking petals to see if their crush likes them back. Nyx really wishes she could provide that for this child. ‘Arwen’ leads them into the inn, the wall between the little lobby and the dining hall doing little to block the noise of rowdy patrons. A plump redhead comes through the door, yelling for the customers to keep the racket down over her shoulder. When she turns and lays her eyes on ‘Arwen’, she puts on a big grin. [b]“Little Arwen, is that you? I can’t believe me eyes, look at ya! You’ve grown into a fine young lady!”[/b] Her eyes move past a bashful Nyx and land on Asteria and Deven. [b]“And who’s this? Did’ya get yourself a lil friend?”[/b] [color=82ca9d]“Aye, Miss Rose! She’s gonna let me braid my flowers into her hair!”[/color] ‘Arwen’ says proudly with a big grin herself.