[b]Eclair Espoir![/b] Oh, darling. You’re in one of the premier houses of pleasure in all of Thellamie, you’ve got a full pass, and you’ve got girls tripping over themselves to try and win a tip and a smile. You get to tell us how you [i]relax[/i] when you have the time, the means, and ample assistance. And you get to tell us if your iron will is beguiled into forgetting, if only for a moment, the troubles that weigh upon your shoulders. Yuki would likely have been suspicious (and even Hazel started to suspect) if this were the Golden Lotus. But that doesn’t mean anything to you, so forget I said anything. Go ahead. Take the time that was purchased for you. [hr] [b]Yuki![/b] The rich scent of wine fills the barrow as Pasenne pours. Sulochana offers a glass to Heron first of anyone, hoping that this will be appreciated. It fits her cover, too, to curry favor like this. [hr] [b]Hazel![/b] “Auntie was right,” she rumbles, pinning you to the floor with a glance. Try to focus, and you’ll notice glimpses through the smoke that suggest she’s a notably [i]Avel[/i] Nagi, all fuzzy triangles and shaggy sideburns, and her voice has a similar lilt to the local accent. Is it a lilt when it’s already so low? “He’s [i]desperate.[/i]” She leans down on her desk, resting her elbows, almost bringing herself down to your level. Almost. “Here’s my first gift, Hazel Valentine Fletcher: you’re going to [i]sit down[/i] and [i]not talk.[/i]” And you might think that sounds ominous and villainous, but let me assure you: those italics up there? That’s when her voice drips with the spiced honey of Crevas. A coil slips beneath your legs as the strength goes out of them, and you’re lifted to a nice seat right in front of the desk, in front of the sweet smoke, in front of those glittering eyes. “Now. We could make you a guest, but you would stick out like a broken scale, and more than that— you’d [i]fret,[/i] wouldn’t you? Auntie tells me that you are [i]polite[/i] and [i]helpful.[/i]” From across half of Thellamie, Amali says something in agreement. “And you wouldn’t know where to put your eyes, would you? Let alone your hands. We usually see boys like you being dragged in by friends, sitting so [i]neatly[/i] with their hands in their laps, squirming and just waiting to go home away from the threat of Heron’s gift to us all. They’re tough nuts to crack, unless you know the right way to handle them.” A nail lifts your chin. Another nail traces your cheek. “But put them in a pretty little outfit, give them a job to do, and all those worried little thoughts just [i]melt[/i] away. And you’d like that, wouldn’t you, Hazel Valentine Fletcher? Little Hazy.” Her chuckle comes from somewhere deep down in those coils. No talking now. Don’t forget. “You want to serve. And the Chrysanthemum accommodates those who want to serve as much as it accompanies those who want to be served. Until this whole [i]mess[/i] is taken care of outside. You can hide in here, in plain sight, and I [i]promise[/i] that you will be told what to do, and you will be [i]praised[/i] for it.” No need to turn around and see Alcideo blushing. Or Amali looking very satisfied, for that matter. No need to look away from Yaz and what’s she’s offering. It’s not exactly seeing all of Thellamie, but all of Thellamie will come to you, and you’ll be safe until I need you next. Just sink into those eyes in the smoke, those eyes so [i]delighted[/i] at finding a natural. “Now. I will let you talk. A little. When you are done, I will let you know. Does your heart want to work for us, Hazy? Would you like to help the men and women who come here to have a [i]wonderful[/i] visit? Would you like to be looked at and wanted without being hunted?” [hr] [b]Kalentia![/b] The hammer blows reverberate through multiple levels of the Stacks. Boxes tumble down; careful dioramas collapse. Then there is silence. A flower pokes up through the floor tiles some distance away and blooms unnaturally quickly. It is as silent as the roots that slither between the walls. The Hero’s Shadow lifts themselves up onto their haunches. Their eyes are mirrors, but they seem darker now. “You are the most a Princess,” they say, amiably. “This is perilous.” That purr in their throat suggests that the peril is dangerously interesting. “Where do you think the Warrior is? [i]That[/i] is perilous.”