---Honestly, as much as she'd have liked to try her skills against the gunner, Robin couldn't help but be a little glad he'd been taken out like that. Certainly, she wouldn't have backed down, but at the same time she didn't really know how to approach an enemy like that. She'd wanted to try and clash with the ronin, as well, to protect her allies and cut down the sort of people who would sell their services to a crime lord. But it seemed as if that wasn't going to be necessary either. Still, Robin felt it was important for someone to bring up the rear and cover the others. Charging in first was heroic, but so was defending your allies from any last-moment threats while they tried to get crucial information from an enemy. So, it was quite a surprise for the swordswoman when she suddenly found herself being pulled back down the stairs. "Ah? Er, are you certain?" They had everything handled? Robin swore she heard some commotion, but that probably didn't mean all that much given the situation they were already in. While she wasn't sure if hunting something downstairs was of equal importance and standing guard for the others, returning to the lower levels could allow her to prevent any possibility of attempts to ambush her allies from below. At the very least, it made sense to Robin. "In that case, I'll come along with you." [@The Otter]