[b][i]Kazuki Yamagata[/i][/b] For a brief moment, Kazuki flashed back to the fall of Jaku City, how his parents had died, and how he had been captured by the League of Villains back then. How he had cried and screamed as they hurt him again and again and again - His eyes blazed with fury, glinting with reflected light. Now that he had been teleported along with his friends to where Keyaru was grandstanding, he had enough space to force himself up, if only he could overcome the enhanced gravity, the visions of death and destruction that brought bile to his throat, and the burning meteor bearing down on them; a meteor he was suspected was an illusion. If his gun was intact, he would raise it, pushing himself beyond his limits, gritting his teeth as he pushed the words through his lips, "Keyaru... I trust Ravens." He pulled the trigger, hoping against hope there was an Anti-Quirk bullet in the magazine. If the meteor was an illusion or some sort of Quirk-based power, an Anti-Quirk Bullet would cancel it out. And if not, then at least he lived a full life, having experienced joy and pain and found the girl of his dreams. If he spent the last moments of his life defying Keyaru, it would be a life lived well. But even if his gun was not intact and that fact was obscured by the visions of death all around him, Kazuki would howl out even louder, "I TRUST RAVENS!" When Jaku City had fallen, a mysterious woman from the Hawks Agency had saved him. He did not know who she was; she looked different from Ravens, after all. But after seeing the [i]real[/i] Ravens into action, a magnificent vision of beauty second only to Hikari, his girlfriend, he knew this - Even if Ravens was not that mysterious woman in another guise, she was similar enough to trust. He forced more words out, ignoring the pain and the strain on his body and how his eyes began to blur with tears, "Fuck Kites and his assertions - He must be a fool to put his 'Shadow Hawks' above protecting other people! Ravens came to stop you despite Kites being there; that's proof enough that she can be trusted! So fuck you, Keyaru! Meteor, gravity, or just another type of illusion, I will defy you till the very end!" Blinking, clearing his eyes just long enough to see if he [i]could[/i] shoot, Kazuki pointed his gun at Keyaru a second time, hoping against hope it could still shoot... [@Iamme][@Dragon Arts][@Digmata][@Gerlando][@BlackMaiden][@Letter Bee][@The Man Emperor][@Aku the Samurai][@JrVader][@Paingodsson]