[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/zg3jjxt.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/PeJ9Br9.png[/img][/center] [h2][color=gray]Athroyeaux Castle, Throne Room[/color][/h2] [@Izurich], [@LunarParadox], [@ERode], [@Irradiant], [@Click This] [hr] Valor watched with narrowed eyes under her mask, hand reflexively swiping out a shining sword to block and deter Duchess Bastille's attack. She felt magical weaving, and immediately bore her teeth in the direction of the ‘Fey’. Alas, she was uncertain of the exact nature the cast was. Her eyes shifted to Duchess Agustria's intervention, but wasn't too concerned. She was only one of the many pawns at the King's disposal, after all. The triumphant, defiant moment of Duke Rhinecliff, the moment that sparked rebellion in near all the honored guests, was shattered by a single, poignant event. The ghostly sword was stopped short, caught in a [url=https://i.imgur.com/9a1ck49.jpeg]red sigil[/url], hovering, slightly vibrating in the air. The vibrations grew more violent, before the circled points in the sigil rotated like a clock, and the sword disappeared. Off the distant coast of Arthroyeaux, a ghostly sword pierced the sea. Water exploded in tumultuous amounts, rising as high as a hundred meters into the air as the sword made impact. It rose like a monsoon, or a tidal wave, before collapsing back into the sea. The sword itself glimmered as it disappeared into the depths… Back in the dark castle, ghostly gauntlets were raised as hidden passageway opened into the throne room. Royal mages, hands glowing with magic, flooded the room from the two sides, effectively boxing Duke Rhinecliff, Duchess Augstria, Duchess Bastille, Lord Blackthorne, and ‘Lady Tearmoon’ in from three sides. Their numbers rose in the mid twenties, hooded, empty gazes locked on the now intruders. The Ghost King stared impassively from his throne, gazing at Duke Rhinecliff through the remaining red sigil. [b]“I must say, I'm… disappointed. Out of all the guests I had chosen, you five held the most promise. Alas… you've made your bed now. I understand your choice, but it's not me that will come to regret it in the near future. It will be you.”[/b] He gestured with a hand, and the mages surrounding the group began casting once more. The same red sigil appeared super-sized under their feet, sending tingling sensations up their limbs, freezing their feet temporarily to the floor. [b]“The next we meet, it will be on the battlefield, when I take your precious Province by storm, and by force.”[/b] And the red points began circling clockwise, rotating under their feet. And in another instance, the group was teleported into a world of sky, sea, and light. Tumbling and turning through the air, until they all fell straight into the cold, salty water. In the near distance, the pier of Hathforth could be seen. Dismissed suddenly from the presence of the Ghost King, it was unclear to say who was more confused: the group, or the Hathforth coast guard rushing to their boat to come out and rescue them from the water. [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/v2rsukY.png[/img][/center] [h2][color=gray]Hathforth, Plaza Inn[/color][/h2] [@Donut Look Now] [hr] [quote=Arwen][color=82ca9d]“Aye, Miss Rose! She’s gonna let me braid my flowers into her hair!”[/color][/quote] Asteria was thoroughly enjoying herself, thanking the benevolent All-force that she had the fate of meeting this kind flower girl. Yes, Asteria could always ask her handmaidens to put flowers in her hair. But it wasn't the same as having a friend her age putting them in over a picnic. Deven gave the innkeeper a suspicious look, hand resting on the hilt of his sword. [b]“How do you know little Arwen here, ma'am?”[/b] Asteria pouted a bit, [b]“These seem like good people, Deven. Please, you can relax.”[/b] Deven stared down at little Asteria and her big eyes for a long moment, before sighed and stepped back, [b]“Very well, my Lady. You know I'm just trying to ensure your safety.”[/b] Asteria smiled, [b]“I know.”[/b] She then turned to Arwen, enthusiastically patting her arm. [b]“I’ll ask for them to bring some sweets to our room, then we can enjoy even more!”[/b] Her gaze turned to the innkeeper, politeness masking her near impatient excitement. [b]“Miss Rose, could we please have some tea and cakes sent to our room? I'll cover the costs.”[/b]