[center][h3][b][color=ec008c]JURI HAN[/color][/b][/h3] Level 5: 33/50 Location: Mafia Town Word Count: 860 Points Gained: 2 New EXP Balance: Level 5: 35/50[/center] [hr] Was there any better feeling than wiping a smile off an optimist’s face? Well, yes. But it was definitely up there. It was hard to ‘get one over’ on someone like Juri. If all she wanted to do was annoy someone, she could get satisfaction from them pretending to not be annoyed. But messing with Miss Fortune was just a bonus, she was here to give a status report. When Miss Fortune sped off to make her something spicy, Juri looked around the place. There were some other Seekers over there. A turtle? And some weird looking girl. [b][color=ec008c]”Okay, so, are you two just literally actually babies or what? I don’t get it.”[/color][/b] She said suddenly, in return to Rika’s little greeting. As far as she could tell, the little turtle kid was an actual kid. She didn’t know what the deal with Rika was, though. She had a hard time parsing what kind of creature she even was. Her current choice of company inclined Juri to believe that she was also a baby, because who would hang out with a baby other than another baby? Then she got on her phone, scrolling through social media. And some pictures of some chumps she had beaten up recently. Hearing Korean of all languages on the cool song that was playing was surprising. Juri probably hadn’t spoken a lick of the language since her fake life started here. So hearing the lyrics was a nice surprise. Eventually Miss Fortune returned, smelling like fresh fish and fresher blood. Juri chuckled in disbelief. [b][color=ec008c]”Did you have to go kill a fish right now? That’s so funny. I’m surprised any of it even got to me, kitty cat! Great job.”[/color][/b] Juri ‘praised’ Fortune’s effort. Juri wiggled her head and said a verse of the Hot Tuna Pepper song in Korean as she took a bite. She paused, eyes widening. Juri’s mouth formed a small ‘o’ and she sucked in a few breaths, to combat the spice, and then rapidly chewed the rest. [b][color=ec008c]”This is-”[/color][/b] She took another bit of tuna and ate it. This was actually good. This was actually a good meal. [b][color=ec008c]”All they had in that other place was fuckin’- cotton candy.”[/color][/b] She said to the room, mouth full. This was the best meal she had eaten in a long time. Even before the World of Light. Something was different about Juri at that moment, but it was hard to put your finger on. [b][color=ec008c]”Not bad. And Fortune had to work for a living. All in all, a good day.”[/color][/b] She reached into a pouch and pulled out an appropriate amount of coins, plus tip. For the poor working cat girl, who she winked at with a snicker. Eventually some more Seekers arrived, and Fortune had to stop playing pretend chef. When it seemed like everyone was ready to pay attention to each other, Juri began to speak. [b][color=ec008c]”Okay kids, time to share what we learned. Show And Tell.”[/color][/b] Juri grabbed her phone and flipped through her photos. Once she found the ones she was looking for, she flipped it out to hold it to the rest of them. Her smart phone had a pink case around it, and at the top were two plastic devil horns. They looked exactly like her old hairstyle, though only resembled her current ponytail. When she spoke, her tone became more serious. [b][color=ec008c]”There’s an underground community of poachers here that like to hunt rare, endangered animals. You know, for delicious dishes, trophies, bogus potions, or even real deal magic stuff. It only makes sense that a cooking mafia would want an edge over the competition with some uncommon morsels. Grease the right palms and you can meet up with anyone. Guardians can be big ugly monsters, right? Who else would know more about something like that?”[/color][/b] She flipped through her phone and pulled up some blurry photos of what looked like a giant bird. The scale was hard to tell, but it was big. [b][color=ec008c]”Giant bird. Not just any old bird, a super massive [i]beast.[/i] The kind that isn’t so easily hunted by little jerks with little peashooters. Most of them have given up, and are going after easier prey. Between the dragon and the giant worm, I figure a freakin’ huge bird fits the bill of a Guardian. Reports say it’s nesting somewhere in the Twilight Forest, or at least it visits that place often.”[/color][/b] Juri rolled her neck. [b][color=ec008c]”I figure that’s a lead worth looking into. Not to mention this cool new gun and a boatload of money I made.”[/color][/b] Juri said, smug. [b][color=ec008c]”The Spider is back in business. Nothing like an honest days work, huh?”[/color][/b] She flicked off her phone and put it back into her back pocket. She rolled a spare coin from her pouch between her fingers. She looked off into the middle distanced and scoffed, thinking aloud. [b][color=ec008c]”Poachers. Real skeevy, arrogant bastards. Definitely wouldn’t want to invite any to [i]my[/i] birthday party. Might even mug one on the way outta town. But in this case, they turned out to be good for something. And considering we’re after rare beasts ourselves, we wouldn’t want to be hypocrites, would we?”[/color][/b] Juri noted with a tilt of her head. [b][color=ec008c]”Okay, who's next?”[/color][/b]