[h3] Dean [/h3] Dean waved his hand at Lexi when she insinuated that he should just text Sam about his location in the bunker. He didn’t want to harrass his brother. Who knew what was going on in Sam’s head? For all they knew, he was showing Anya every old book in the entire library to keep her busy, just calming the poor girls brain. He sat down in the chair close to Lexi and glanced at the computer. He held his hand up and crossed his fingers, physically agreeing with her sentiment. The guy seemed obsessed and desperate. Maybe they could get lucky and get out of the bunker before Dean felt the need to go around and look for ghosts. He didn’t know how to tell Lexi what he was dealing with, because it was hard to explain. It didn’t quite feel like a haunting and how could anything haunt this place anyway? Before he had the chance to think much further, the laptop pinged and he sat up straight, “There he is…” He leaned in and read over the message before clapping his hands and scooting his chair back from the table. He was ready to go. “Yep! Let’s go…oh wait. We have to tell them we’re leaving?” He thought about it with a frown and then sighed, dropping his head a bit, “Fine. I’ll go tell him. So help me if he’s doing anything stupid, I’ll kill him, Lexi.” Dean reluctantly tapped his hand on the table, and then walked away, down the hall to look for Sam. [h3] Anya [/h3] Anya laughed at Sam’s assessment of Dean’s fragility toward chick flicks, although, oddly enough, she wasn’t surprised that Dean had been suckered into enjoying Disney and other things that seemed out of character for him. Seeing him with Lexi, she could read that he was a pushover for pretty girls with pretty eyes…that he cared about. For a while, while Lexi and Dean were in the war room setting up for their night out, Anya sat and watched the movie, laughing with Sam as they teased about some of the cheesier moments. But as the movie progressed, Anya felt herself tempted to reach out and wrap her arms around Sam’s arm. She was tempted to get closer. Maybe it was the movie. Maybe it was their closeness. She couldn’t really place it. She pulled her phone into her lap, trying to decide what to type that would bridge a gap and make it less awkward if she did ask him to be closer. She had just met him. It wasn’t like the knew each other, or had a chance to really be attracted to one another. For all she knew, he saw her like all the other hunters did…some broken kid. Anya sat up a little taller on the bed, and pulled her legs up to her chest, seemingly getting more comfortable. And then she decided to just…make a move. She leaned toward Sam, feeling a little awkward, and tapped his arm. As soon as he turned his head, she leaned in, and placed a simple, and impossibly gentle kiss against his lips. “Seriously?!” Anya flinched, so hard that she likely would have screamed if she was capable. Her head instantly turning to see Dean standing in the doorway, his hands on his hips in annoyance. “I leave you alone, and you bring her to your [i]bed[/i]?”