[h3] Dean [/h3] Dean almost didn’t believe Mika when she said she was fine. He picked up her arm, and began to look it over, making sure that it wasn’t more than a scratch. He looked up from her arm and searched in the darkness for Nat, his heart hammering in his chest at how quiet the night still seemed. It didn’t seem like there were signs of life anywhere around them. As if answering his silent prayer that Nat was okay, he heard her voice. He released Mika and spun around, his entire body numb with relief as tears welled up in his eyes. “Nat! Oh my god…” He gasped, walking toward her as Esme began helping her to them. He reached out, wrapping a hand around her upper arm to help Esme hold her up, and began to look her over. He winced at the wound on the back of her head as his hand found it, and he pulled it back covered in blood. “Jesus. What…?” Before he could get the words out Sam also appeared from the dark, and he breathed a quick sigh of relief. Sam was jogging. He seemed okay and at himself. He was okay. Doing a quick inventory of everyone that had shown up, Dean closed his eyes. They were missing three. A pang of worry hit his stomach, seeing that Duke was missing. Duke was known for being the most reckless person he had ever met. Of all the missing, Duke was the one who was most likely dead. The thought wasn’t even something he could entertain as he shook his head and listened to Sam. When Sam said that they were outnumbered, and Cason was missing. Dean lost it. “Dammit! I knew that son of a bitch would bail on us. I knew it.” He took some deep breaths, closing his eyes to calm himself, in an effort to not upset Nat more than he had to. He was over emotional. He was worried about Duke. He was lost as to how they lost. How did they lose? This was an easy hunt and they were ambushed. The demons had it all planned, beat for beat. He opened his eyes, and Esme met his gaze, which made things even worse. As she confirmed his suspicions on Duke, Dean gritted his teeth, his ability to contain his emotions almost bursting at the seams. He carefully released Nat, and stepped away from her, growling as he paced for a moment. “We have to find him. DAMMIT!” He screamed, echoing through the silent empty farm as he failed to process his emotions. “We have to find all of them…and I better not see Cason again. I will kill him myself. I swear to God I will kill him…myself.” [h3] Anna and Cason [/h3] Cason’s breathing was beginning to give Anna chills as she sat as close to him as she could. She held her hand over his shoulder, the knife no longer protruding from his skin, but lying on the floor beneath him. She was shaking with a mixture of fear, unease, pain and sadness as she put pressure on a wound he would have typically healed in less than a minute. As she sobbed, Cason weakly lifted his head and tilted it as far forward as he could, touching the side of her face with his forehead. Anna leaned into the touch and sobbed, squeezing her eyes closed as she listened to his rattling breath. “Now would be a good time for one of your j-jokes…”, she choked out, her voice breaking into a desperate sob. Cason weakly smirked, and took a shaky breath. “Imagine the look…on Alastair’s face…when your boyfriend sucks the life out of him.” Cason stammered out, nudging Anna’s face with his forehead. The statement didn’t exactly comfort Anna, as she wasn’t aware of Sam drinking any demon blood. Sam would be a pig to slaughter if he tried to take on Alastair, at this point. “He can do it. And it will be beautiful to watch. I’ll die…watching the boy king of Hell take out the son of a bitch who made me. Beautiful, right?” “No. Sam would never be able to hurt him. I couldn’t even hurt him.” Anna whimpered, but Cason weakly shook his head. “He’s more powerful than you know. T-trust m-me.” “Okay. Just rest. Just rest. Please stay with me.” Anna sobbed, huddling even closer to him. Cason reached a bloody hand out and linked their fingers together, trying to comfort her as she cried. “Please just stay alive.”