[center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5506853][img]https://i.imgur.com/qH7fFFY.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][h3]--Mizutani Mansion - Interior--[/h3][/center] She knew it, she knew [i]and[/i] called it, really, it wouldn't take a clairvoyant, nor a seer to predict this outcome. Ciradyl the Spy-Bard, from the very beginning, her goals had aligned with the rest of Team Kirin, however, like Eve and unlike Miina, she didn't need any interrogation to take place first before the execution. Still, as Eve witnessed the scuffle, even she could see that whatever animosity Ciradyl had with Tane, it was [i]personal[/i]. The sheer hateful rage she put into each strike, those weren't the bodily expressions of a calm and collected assassin, nay, twas' the actions of a slave who had enough and snapped... Indeed the very thing that doomed a certain research facility. As the Pseudolon's ruby eyes took in the sight of Rudolf desperately trying to restrain the enraged Faye, how the crime lord bled and gasped within an inch of her life, and the efforts by Galahad and Miina to salvage the situation, Eve found herself... smirking, a small barely-perceptible one, but a smirk nonetheless. [color=d3d3d3][i]You're enjoying this, aren't you?[/i][/color] The petite black mage blinked, her sneer replaced by a frown. [color=d3d3d3][i]She deserves it.[/i][/color] Truly, anyone who couldn't see that was a fool. [color=d3d3d3][i]But the fact remains that you relish in suffering, in death and destruction, for their own sake regardless of what pragmatic excuses you used to justify them; you [b]are[/b] - after all - made to destroy.[/i][/color] No, she didn't like these thoughts, mother told her that she was so much more than what the empire wanted her to be, that she was her own person, with her own goals, aspirations, and fears. [color=d3d3d3][i]That's not true... not true at all...[/i][/color] [color=d3d3d3][i]Not true? Then why do you still wish to end the hunter's life? Even after the little... pact you made?[/i][/color] [color=d3d3d3][i]B-... because he-...[/i][/color] [color=d3d3d3][i]Deserves it? There it is again. You're a smart girl, you must be, otherwise they'd not have bothered creating you, an intelligent self-operating weapon.[/i][/color] [color=d3d3d3][i]SILENCE!! I'm not like that![/i][/color] [color=d3d3d3][i]You always have an excuse, an oh-so-logical reason for each and every single murder you've committed, but... beneath it all, be honest, [b]Grayscale[/b], the fact is... you feel most alive when others lay dying before you. The reaper at the eve of their demise...[/i][/color] [color=d3d3d3][i]... ... ...[/i][/color] Eve trembled and gritted her teeth, shutting her eyes and tearing her gaze away from the commotion, her lips pursed, trying to say something, [i]anything[/i] just for this whole farce of a mission to be over, so they could leave. [color=d3d3d3][b]"Nothing but lunacy."[/b][/color] The Pseudolon snapped back at the gun-lugging Dame Commander, perhaps with a tad too much enmity than Eliane deserved, alas, she was simply a victim of circumstances.