[b]MIKA, SAM AND NATALIA[/b] The moment Dean checked her arm himself, Mika knew that he didn't believe she was fine. Truth be told, Mika almost couldn't believe she was fine and got out with as little injuries as she did. It felt unheard of to be in a fight with demons and have such few injuries. Yet the moment he looked up and around her for Natalia, she knew he was satisfied with her own well being and now gone into full blown protective big brother mode. Like Dean, Mika too sighed with relief when she heard Nat's voice call out to them through the dark, but she didn't like how slurred her voice almost sounded. She wasn't in a good way, that much was evident to Mika and it only became more evident when Esme grabbed her and helped her over to Dean and herself. "Shit Nat, you don't look good" she gasped worriedly whilst Dean just completely enveloped her into him and got even more worried when he saw the blood on his hand from the back of Nat's head. "I..." Nat began to reply with what happened to her when Sam's voice came through and interrupted them all. Neither of the girls liked the information Sam was relaying to them about the others, meaning something even worse had happened to them than what happened to the group around them both. Mika was worried greatly for Duke, he was like another brother to her after all. Glancing around trying desperately to get a hint of a clue to where the missing three were, she saw the fear in Esme's eyes, the woman was terrified of loosing Duke and in that moment she really did feel empathy for the blonde woman. She knew how she didn't cope when Dean got dragged to Hell and as much as her acquaintance to Esme was tense to say the least, she wouldn't wish that kind of grief on anyone, not even Esme. Then came Dean's emotional outburst about Cason, making her wince as she knew that was not going to go down well with Nat, and she was proven right. "he wouldn't do that Dean!!" Nat practically yelled at him, but the loud outburst made her head pound more and her vision go slightly blurry, making her sway into Mika's side. "Ow...." she grumbled, holding her head. "Now isn't the time for arguments, as much as I want to believe you Nat, I have to say Dean has a point sweetheart. Cason is unpredictable and a demon" Mika said soothingly, but it just made Nat shrug out of her comforting arm on principle. "No, I'm not accepting that theory. We don't know for certain he bailed on us....bailed on me. He wouldn't okay? He didn't bail on me in that hellhole all those years, he wouldn't start now. Not to mention he's been by Anna's side all that time she wasn't with us. Does that really sound like someone who would run at the first bit of trouble?" Nat countered, a lot calmer this time round but it was clear she was still terrified about the possibilities of what could have happened to the other three. Mika listened to Natalia's defence of Cason and as much as she didn't want to side with their young Winchester, she had to admit Nat did make a solid counter argument. She just hoped Dean wouldn't go off on one at her. The girls and Sam all watched Dean begin to growl out of frustration and worry. With Dean's next words, all three of them knew Dean meant Duke and not Cason, until of course Dean mentioned about killing Cason himself if he found him himself. "Dean don't threaten or promise that around Nat yeah? We need to stick together right now, not drive our girl away when she's clearly the worse off out of us five" Sam commented, placing a hand on his arm cautiously. "So what's the plan? We look for the others all together? Because I don't know about you, I'd rather not separate again as that idea clearly has backfired on us epically." he told his brother a lot more softly than Nat had just spoken to him. "I'm going to find Cason with or without you, I refuse to believe he ditched us" Nat commented, overhearing Sam's suggestions. "If Nat is doing that, then I'm not letting her out of my sight again, so I agree with Sam, we all go together but chances are the three of them are all together" Mika spoke up, deciding to say 'three' and not 'two' just to keep Nat calm when she has a head injury that needs seeing to as soon as possible. "Has any of us checked the inside of the barn yet?" Sam asked the group, looking around at them all, only to see Nat and Mika both shake their heads. "Only the roof....before I found myself on the floor" Nat explained, whilst also giving the answer that Dean wanted earlier about how she got her head injury. "So inside the barn it is" Sam commented, looking for agreements from everyone.