Kay watched them all walk through the portal that Fia had opened before she watched it close behind them and all that was left was herself and John with Trish. She felt John shake slightly in her grip, making her lift one hand up and massage his shoulder gently. "They're a good team John, they'll be okay" she reassured, though she was more than aware that she was also reassuring herself as well as John. "We just need to do what we can on our end to distract our minds from worrying" she added, suggesting the only thing she could possibly think of. She didn't know why but seeing John so uncertain and worried was concerning to Kay, he always seemed like such an confident and borderline arrogant man, so for him to not be anywhere near those traits did make Kay see just how important this situation was. [b][u]LA, THE LUX BAR[/u][/b] With all of the group through the portal, and it closing behind them, Fia did a quick head count to see they were indeed there and okay. She didn't like this idea in the slightest but she also trusted this Serena and if she thinks Lucifer could help them, then she would take the chance to meet him. "If he's not then Mezikeen will be around and can tell us where Lucifer is" Chas replied to Drake. "So what do we think we can get out of this guy again?" Fia asked the group, but mostly Serena as she guessed it was her idea to even be here in the first place.