[b]Sayanastia![/b] She actually appreciated this part. More than she thought she would. She's been on the other end of the Hero's blank stares plenty of times. Just that silent, unhelpful focus, like she was paying attention but contributing nothing - not a conversation as much as a spotlight demanding the other person monologue. She did not know what was in the Hero's head when she did it, but in Sayanastia's was the cruelty of a cat(1) waiting for the mouse to make the first move. Rurik, for his part, managed a Seneschal's apologetic look and vague cycle-motion of his hand, indicating that it didn't matter so long as Yuki simply got on with it. [hider=(1)] Cats were one of the few creatures she had never taken issue with. They had been with her, after all, sleeping in the primordial void before the cursed sun had awoken them to the creation of the world. When she had raised her jaws to the sky and screamed her first scream of waking rage, her fury had been heralded by waves of felines spreading out in all directions to colonize every corner of the world. The footsteps of a cat were so soft that they could not disturb even the sensitive ears of a sleeping dragon. [/hider] [b]Kalentia![/b] "Oh, save it," said Kalentia firmly(2). "This is a [i]medical [/i]kidnapping. You of all people should know the importance of providing opposition and challenge to the understimulated, and that's all this is - got it?" [hider=(2)] not shivering not shaking not remembering tsane's lectures on the perils and abilities of the Hero's Shadow no huge adrenaline surge at the idea that maybe she fucked up and summoned something beyond her that isn't going to buy her medical kidnapping bit and that she's actually not in control here even a little bit and it just says perilous because that's the kind of thing something like that says you can't read into it you've been in peril before nothing about this is different it's fine [/hider]