[center] [color=#736AFF][b][h1]Ranbu no Izayoi[/h1][/b][/color] [/center] The situation had tangled very, very quickly. Izayoi's response to Ciradyl breaking free and stabbing Mizutani was an exasperated sigh, as Rudolf had been close enough to restrain the Faye so that Izayoi hadn't needed to intervene. Nevertheless, she stalked forward as Miina and Galahad made their inquiries, fixing Ciradyl with a pointed stare. [color=#736AFF][b]"We will discuss this later. For now, [i]wait[/i]. You are complicating the situation at the moment."[/b][/color] All the while, Mizutani laughed bitterly as Miina healed her wound, shaking her head. [color=f6989d]"[i]You[/i] might be sincere about keeping me alive, but I already know I'm a dead woman."[/color] She spat, her eyes flickering towards Izayoi. At that, the samurai gave a thin smile, her katana held at her side. [color=#736AFF][b]"Answer the question, wench. It will make the difference between a painless death or a drawn out one. And I would far prefer the latter."[/b][/color] Izayoi's gaze had an unholy glint, showing far too much pleasure at the thought of a slow death for the crime lord. [color=f6989d]"Hah! I knew it. But fine, I'll tell the little bitch here what she wants. Your useless brother was a little trophy for me at first. After all, he was a [i]mage[/i]. Who else had one in their employ? Then it turned out the little shit barely had anything past parlor tricks. Took ship to Costa del Sol. He owes no few people no small amount of debts. Satisfied, kitten?"[/color] Mizutani giggled madly, her inhibitions cut loose by her impending death. [color=f6989d]"A bit of a...bonus. Cici...Ciradyl, is the reason Valheim took control so easily. She infiltrated rebel cells and gave me their intel. Valheim might have had more of a fight without her help."[/color] Izayoi glared at Mizutani, walking up and gently taking Miina aside before turning to plunge the tip of her sword into her belly. [color=#736AFF][b]"Perhaps you may be telling the truth. Perhaps you are simply trying to sow discord as one last act of spite. Regardless, I will not give you the satisfaction you seek."[/b][/color] Izayoi kept her expression locked in a rictus of hatred for the woman before her as Mizutani howled in pain. She wrenched her katana free, flicking the blood off before sheathing it and turning around. [color=#736AFF][b]"Rudolf. Release her."[/b][/color] Izayoi knelt down to pick up Ciradyl's stiletto and walked forward before planting the dagger into the floorboard in front of its owner. [color=#736AFF][b]"Finish what you started. If you will not, I will. The rest, we will discuss back at the safehouse."[/b][/color] One way or another, Mizutani Tane's head would be taken on this night. ___ Esben and Robin's path downstairs was unbarred, the majority of Mizutani's goons either concerned with putting out the fire or simply looting as much as they could before fleeing. Eventually, however, they would come across the basement, where a treasure trove awaited the two. It seemed the basement was Mizutani's personal office, where she kept no few valuables, as well as a sheaf of documents. A cursory glance through them revealed the depth of the underworld's collaboration with Valheim, to say nothing of Ciradyl's involvement in destroying several rebel cells while working with Mizutani. Even disregarding that, between the jade, gold, and silver kept around the office, there was enough loot here to keep the Kirins' quest funded for quite some time should it be resold. That, or redistributed to the resistance or the needy of Kugane as the looters willed. ___ The entirety of Team Kirin returned to the safehouse rather late that night. Bikke was back on his ship and wouldn't be roused until morning, and Izayoi didn't bother to wake Hien before leading everyone back into the meeting room. [color=#736AFF][b]"I believe we have much to discuss, Ciradyl."[/b][/color] She said, her tone dripping with genuine irritation. [color=#736AFF][b]"To begin with, considering we had [i]the exact same goal[/i], this entire debacle could have been avoided. Secondly, Mizutani's last words. How much of the truth was within them?"[/b][/color] She didn't want to believe it. Hell, Izayoi had no reason to believe it. Mizutani was a scheming, lying, glorified bandit. But considering Ciradyl had evidently ingratiated herself with the woman over the last few years, [i]something[/i] was wrong here.