[h2]Miina Malina[/h2] Costa del Sol...? So if she had just stayed put that would have let her reunite without any fuss. But her other hand was already moving, grabbing the knife where it rest against her hip. Ah, she wasn't going to put up with some egotistical bitch talking about her brother that way. Parlour tricks? [i]She[/i] might not have been certain of everything her brother could do, but the youth that had taught her wasn't [i]that[/i] incompetent. Just because you weren't worth showing, didn't mean that was all that someone could do. If she managed to get anything out about Ciradyl before the red mage cut her throat—well, that wasn't really [i]her[/i] problem, and Miina hadn't been thinking about it. Or even paying attention, really. Hmm, it was a shame they didn't have more time here, she'd love to go approach any possible debt collectors about working on their behalf... well, it was too late now, and they'd probably be scrambling after Mizutani died. She should just make sure to clean up tonight, she didn't want to stain her nice clothes with crime boss blood, not like the cheap ones she'd had last time.