[b]SAM AND LEXI[/b] Sam wished he could fully explain without Dean continuing to fly off the handle but he knew it was pointless in this moment in time. So instead he decided it was best just to let Dean have his little rant, give whatever message he was giving and let him leave. "...fine" he began to reply but as Dean just left without another word, he couldn't even finish his own reply. Sighing in frustration at how Dean was being, he looked at Anya sheepishly, seeing how she took was highly embarrassed at what just occured. "ignore him, he's highly strung sometimes and this just so happens to be one of them. He's probably internally fighting with himself between letting Lexi in and keeping a distance due to grieving his ex" he explained, not being able to think of any other reason. At least, no other reason he could rationally tell Anya. There was times he himself felt like something was off in the bunker, like they were being watched over but nothing ever matched up to a haunting and it certainly didn't make any sense as the bunker was spooks and monster proof. But he didn't want to freak Anya out by saying anything about that. "He'll chill out once he's been out of the bunker" he reassured. "and..don't feel embarrassed by the kiss" he smiled. Sure, it was very unexpected and he didn't realise she could have such a crush on him so quickly, but he also found it kind of sweet at the same time. At the staircase, Lexi looked up when she saw Dean reappear and ready to go, but clearly was irritated by something. When he ranted about what he saw in Sam's room she couldn't help but softly chuckled, quickly covering her mouth as she did so to try and stop herself. "I'm sorry ..didn't mean to laugh, but he's a grown boy Dean. I'm sure he knows what he's doing. He's got his head screwed on right for the most part." She replied, patting him on the back. "Come on, let's get this little trip done. I'm curious to see the great Dean Winchester in action" she teased with a smirk, as she headed up the staircase in front of him. It was true after all, she was curious to see him in action. She had witnessed Sam's skills but she was yet to see Dean's and although it was to be a simple meeting of sorts, she still wanted to witness him work for herself. She cranked open the door once at the top of the stairs and stepped through, waiting for him on the other side of the threshold. "I would say your car or mine, buuuut we both know mine is still in the garage" she remarked, trying to bring some light hearted vibes to Dean. The comment also reminded her that she really ought to check in with the garage to see how much longer her car will be, she just wished now she found a way to bring it to the bunker to get the boys to look at it. Stepping over to his car, she waited for Dean to unlock it so she could shove her bag in with his. She really didn't know which way this meeting was going to go and she knew she had to start mentally preparing for anything that would come their way. At least this time she had backup.