[h3] Anya [/h3] Anya met Sam’s eyes as he turned to her and she sighed, hearing his explanation for Dean’s behavior. It wasn’t anything she couldn’t see herself, seeing Dean being so guarded and aggressive. She didn’t know if it was just a personality trait that came out when he was stressed or if he was genuinely high strung, but from what Sam was saying, it was a mixture. She pulled her phone and began typing as Sam explained that Dean would be happier out of the bunker, but stopped typing when he told her not to be embarrassed about kissing him. She deleted everything she had typed on her phone, and looked up at him, not really able to smile, because she was embarrassed. There was something about him that felt safe, and attractive in a way that wasn’t just physical. He made her feel safe and she could tell that in a perfect world, he was someone she would be able to be good friends with…at the least. At best, maybe they could try to spark up a normal friends to relationship type situation. Anya frowned and typed on her phone, her fingers moving quickly before she pressed send with a sigh, “I am embarrassed. But I’m more embarrassed that I kissed you while you’re trying to help me. It’s not really like me. I just think you’re…someone I want to get to know better. I didn’t know how to tell you that, and I guess now you know.” [h3] Dean [/h3] Dean tilted his head in a mocking way when Lexi explained away Sam’s actions, as if he didn’t have a stranger in his bed, while he and Lexi were about to leave the bunker. Thinking about it, though, it might be good for Sam to get some quality time alone with a girl. Who knew? It might crack open that brain of his and make him concentrate on work a little harder, when Dean got back. Anything was better than all the moping…Dean too. He grumbled a bit, but finally followed Lexi up the staircase with an awkward smirk. She wanted to see him in action, like he was some sort of mythical superhero. The thought widened his smirk and he stepped out into the cool night air behind her, gesturing toward the Impala, “You know we have to take that sweet girl. She’s been on damn near every hunt I’ve ever been on. No need to change things up!” As he teased, he walked around and popped the trunk, tossing his bag inside, and as soon as her bag was in, he slammed it shut and walked around to the drivers side of the car, opening the door and sitting down heavily in the seat, “I’m just hoping I don’t overwhelm you too much with my…skills. I would hate to scare you away. Not many women have seen…what I can do.” Dean shot her a proud smile, happy with his joking skills as he turned the engine over. “And I promise to keep my hands to myself on the way there.”