[b]NATALIA AND MIKA[/b] Mika's intent wasn't to side with Natalia in the slightest but she was thinking maternally that if Nat did run off on her own, someone had to follow her to make sure that head didn't worsen and she came back to them all alive. However, in the heighten emotional state Dean was, it seemed he didn't see it that way and all she got was a glare back at even suggesting she would make sure Natalia didn't get herself killed by looking for someone she didn't approve of. She was thankful that Sam was playing devil's advocate and being the calming presence right now and she nodded in agreement with his suggestion of staying grouped together and checking the barn. It baffled her mind to think none of them even thought of it until Sam said something, probably because if the others were in there, surely they would have heard them? Or was this a case of demons playing dirty tricks and somehow soundproofing the barn without any outward signs of that being the case? Either way, she hoped Sam's idea proved to be the case and they could get everyone out of here and saved. Nat just huffed at Dean's rant, deciding to keep her mouth shut after her little outburst at Dean. Even she could see now wasn't the time to argue with him yet again about what kind of person Cason was. Her head was also absolutely pounding and her vision remained blurry. She was convinced she was going to be sick if she didn't focus on something else as she really didn't want to vomit in front of everyone. She looked down at the ground to try and focus her vision as best she could, staring at her feet the whole time until Dean turned to her and gave an order, making her begrudgingly nod slowly. "....fine" she replied, tightly closing her eyes and reopening them again to stop the world from spinning. Mika looked down at her and knew Nat was not coping with the head injury in the slightest, "It's for the best Nat, you're in no state to go anywhere. We're just worried about you as well as the others" Mika said a bit softer than Dean was talking to her, but there was enough authority in her tone to show Nat she wasn't going to be a push over either. "I said okay....but....I think you're right" Nat said back, swaying ever so slightly on her feet, making Mika grab a hold of her once more. With everything decided, she began to walk Nat back to the cars across the grounds, taking it a bit slower than the others were for fear of Nat passing out on her. Behind everyone, she saw how Dean looked at Esme and how he spoke to her which made her internally remind herself it was just over Duke and there was nothing there between the two of them. Now wasn't the time to get jealous and insecure yet again when there were far more important things to be dealing with. Of course she was worried for Duke, they all were, but she was also worried about Anna. It also only took one glance at Sam's posture from behind to see he was worried out of his mind. At the cars, Mika opened the door to the impala, deciding that Nat being in her own car would be too risky. "Sit in here and for Dean's sanity please stay put" she practically begged Nat, as the youngest Winchester got in the passenger side at the front. "I won't go anywhere...just please don't let Dean kill Cason, please Meeko..." Nat replied, looking up at her with puppy eyes, before she couldn't take it anymore and leaned out of the car and was sick, making Mika dart back slightly. "I promise" she said, stepping forward again and tying Natalia's hair back into a ponytail with a hair tie she had on her wrist. [b]SAM[/b] He knew it wasn't the best suggestion, but suggesting the barn was the only thing Sam could come up with. He didn't have hope in the others being there, but until they checked absolutely everywhere nearby, they couldn't say they've eliminated all possibilities. He hated that the tension was brewing more arguments between his siblings and all he could truly worry about was whether Anna was okay and unharmed. He knew that was probably a big ask- to have her unharmed, but he hoped for it anyway. He sighed with relief when Dean finally conceded and agreed to regroup together, be prepared and check the barn. The looks he and Esme gave each other didn't go unnoticed either but he knew his brother wouldn't be too stupid and it was solely because of Duke. Walking over to the cars, he was aware how Mika and Nat were lagging behind, more because of Nat's state and he was glad that Dean ordered her to stay in the car and not come with them. He was worried sick about Nat's injury, she didn't look good in the slightest and every fibre of his being wanted to rush her to a hospital now and just protect her but he also didn't want to leave the missing three either. So he remained silent on the way to the cars, deciding to just observe his group instead of speaking much. In his mind however he kept thinking 'I'm coming Anna just hold on for a bit longer, I will get you back'. At the cars, he watched Mika guide Nat into the impala whilst Dean and Esme spoke more about being prepared to find Duke possibly dead from his own wounds. He didn't want to imagine that scenario himself, the only thing thing keeping him sane was the fact he knew the demons and Lilith needed Anna alive. He couldn't believe that had become a reassurance to him on this night, but here he was being reassured by it. He went to grab some more weapons when he suddenly heard Natalia vomiting out of the car but when he looked over, he saw Mika had it handled just about. Stocking up on knives and reloading his handgun, he waited for the others to be done. When Mika was content that Nat wasn't going to run away the moment she stepped back, Sam walked up to her and knelt down. "We'll be right back, just try and stay awake for me yeah?" he spoke, taking her chin in his hand to make her look at him. "I'll try Sam" Nat said to him honestly, pulling her legs in so Sam could stand up and close the door after her. He then looked at Dean, "You still gonna lock her in?" he asked, "It's clear she cant go anywhere" he pointed out.