[right]Forests surrounding Rembrandt April 13, X903 Suspicious Monster Sighting [@Cello][@Lunarlord34][@Sanguine Rose][/right] Initially, after Mark cast his spell, nothing seemed to change about the beast's behavior, as it continued to keep breathing deeply as though it slumbered. Kiba's blades appeared and all seemed to be going without a hitch. But then something in the forest snapped a twig, rather loudly in the silence, and if any of the mages looked quickly, they'd see a Vulcan trying to sneak up on the monster. The sound would immediately wake it up, the monster surging to its feet and letting out a howling roar before identifying the source of sound. The Vulcan, now caught, would rush in to pick a fight, leaving the mages with a decision to make. Now that it was awake, the odds of taking it alive were drastically reduced and the odds of them getting hurt increased. Was the effort still worth the risk? [hr] [right]Road to the Outpost April 13, X903 Urgent Delivery-Rendezvous [@Remram][@Sanguine Rose][/right] Silence reigned for a long time as the caravan moved through the woods, the members of the guard sweeping their firing lanes and the mages keeping alert. Now and then an Asterin would try and get to them, see if they'd grown complacent, but it would either it would be stopped by the barrier or the guard watching that lane would gun it down in a burst of blue energy. The pattern repeated for another two hours before Nolan asked for an ETA, which the Corporal was happy to provide. {Edge of the forest should be coming up now, then it's about thirty minutes to the outpost. Aside from the odd lizard, it doesn't seem like the main swarm followed us, so the only real concern is going to be getting back to Rembrandt after the supply drop is complete.} [hr] [right]Rembrandt Township April 13, X903 Rembrandt Train Station [@Cello][@samreaper][@twave][@Joshua Tamashii][@LunarLord34][/right] The girl seemed hardly phased by Ariel's questions and simply beckoned the group to follow her. "The train will be taking us to the town of Ansol, about a three hour ride. Once there, some of my family's soldiers will be waiting for me, so your part will end there. Daddy was nervous about the interim though, so he wanted to ensure any would be bad actors would be deterred." The group was escorted to what was clearly a private car meant for use by people like the girl, with seating, food, and other amenities for a relaxing trip. So far the girl was less spoiled and more confident that nothing could happen. Unknown to the group at large, two people followed close behind, a man and woman in black clothing who sat in the car just before theirs. There was mischief and trouble in their eyes and their energy, to those who could read it, was full of ill intent. [hr] [right]Rembrandt Township April 13, X903 Rising Starborn Guildhall [@CitrusArms][/right] "No audition necessary, and I've seen you tinkering with your magic, so if you'll just follow me..." Jenna lead the way to her office on the main floor, stepping into it briefly before stepping back out with a stamp in hand. "Just tell me where and keep it's color pictured clearly in your mind."