[b]SAM[/b] Sam couldn't help but watch Anya type quickly on her phone, only to delete whatever it was she was going to say because of his ramblings. He saw her look up at him and gave her a reassuring smile, hoping that he was somewhat making her feel less embarrassed but her lack of a smile told him he wasn't succeeding in that department. He just wanted to be able to help her, make her feel welcome in the bunker and most importantly, not feel alone. He let her type out whatever it was she wanted to say, waiting patiently until the phone spoke out what she said. Her words made him smile softly, nodding and looking at her in the eye. "I do and you really seem like a cool person Anya, someone I'd love to get to know, build a friendship with" he replied back to her. If things advanced in the future and they became more than friends, then he would welcome it but for now friendship had to be the first step. A part from Lexi, he didn't have friends anymore, sure he had acquaintances, people he got along with just fine but no one he would consider truly a friend. That ended when Mika died and worse for him, when she died he lost a sister, not just a friend. But now wasn't the time to be thinking about the past, now was the time to focus on the present, focus on making Anya comfortable and not feel on edge all whilst they waited the other two to get information and figure out their next move to help Anya out. That was what he wanted more than anything right now, to feel like he's helped someone in need and give Anya some answers to the questions she no doubt had in her head. "So....did you want to continue watching the film? I can grab us some food or make us stuff in the kitchen if you ever get hungry" he offered, really trying his best to lessen the embarrassment she was feeling and in a lot of ways, he was feeling also. He just hoped that what he said about Dean feeling better once he got out of the bunker was in fact true and Lexi would manage calm Dean down. [b]LEXI[/b] The fact that Dean didn't try and correct her about what she said about Sam, told Lexi that she had made him think about the situation in a different way. That much she was glad for if it was the case. Outside, she followed his gesture as he pointed toward the impala and smiled as Dean called the car his sweet girl. It wasn't in the least bit surprising to her that that's how Dean felt about his car. He seemed the type to love the thing above everything else for the most part. "Okay okay" she chuckled, following him to the car and putting her bag in the trunk after he put his in. She walked round to the passenger side, opened the door and got in, sitting down a lot less heavily than Dean did. Closing the door behind her, she laughed at what he said realising that what she said moment before clearly made some kind of impact on his mind. "Well none of those women have been me" she teased back with a broad smile, glancing at him as she spoke. With the impala's engine roaring to life, she relaxed in her seat, ready to be going on another job again. "I should hope so, can't have half your attention being on what your hands are doing" she joked back with a soft and endearing chuckle as she looked out the front windscreen at the road ahead of them. It felt so refreshing to be able to be this comfortable around someone again and be herself once more, her grief had stolen too much of herself for too long and here Dean was, bringing a part of herself back to her. Whether he knew it she didn't know, but she was thankful to him nonetheless. "Gotta say though, feels good to be back on a job again, I swear I get antsy if I go too long without a job nowadays" she said a bit more seriously this time. As the impala went out of view, Mika watched the direction they went in and smiled. "Go do what you do best Dean, save the world" she remarked before she let herself just vanish once more.