[hider=Seraphima Evelynne Rose] [h1][/h1] [center][img]https://i.ibb.co/Gv7h4CG/IMG-3145.jpg[/img] Ravenclaw · Magical Theory · 5’7” · 24[/center] [indent][b]Biography:[/b] [i]Seraphima Evelynne Rose is the second born child of Atticus and Ramona Rose. She follows her brother Alric Darius Rose in birth order. The Roses are a family of pure-blood witches and wizards. Respectfully, they have been ordered in the House of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. The Rose family is proud of their pure-blood ancestral background, in belief that any witch or wizard should be proud of their family lineage. However, they are not prude and snobby about it, unlike some pure-blood families. In fact, they are also not loyal to one House or the other like some pure-blood families, and they are very welcome about it. Atticus Rose is the a Magical Theorist, well-known for his many publishings, articles and books on the subject. His writings have always been pure, simplistic, and easy to understand for the commoner. Ramona Rose used to write for Witches Vogue. However, after the death of her oldest child, Alric, her sense of fashion seemed, well, to say it politely, tend to be a bit off. Ramona’s fashion, of course, was not the only thing a bit off about the Rose family. Their remaining child Seraphima (often times referred to as Little Swan) also seemed to have her own [i]special qualities.[/i] The sympathetic chalked it up to her witnessing her own brother’s death. The rest simply assumed the girl a [i]very odd duck, indeed[/i]. She hardly had any friends as she much preferred books over actual conversation. She seemed dull and outright unagreeable especially in looks. (Someone had to support her mother’s outlandish fashion.) Although, she was on the Quidditch team as the Keeper, which she even surpassed her older brother in ability and her school marks were straight Os, she lacked a key ingredient with public accumulation. In fact, she tended to care more for the less intelligent (so to speak) such as other creatures, herbs included. Although a loner, Seraphima never did seem downright lonely. That’s not to say she was completely happy all the time, but it seemed she had some secret friend only she knew about. It’s most likely because of this other witches and wizards poked fun at her. Like when she attended the Yule Ball without a date but kept a pleasant smile for the entirety of the event. Rumors flew around like magic spells for a good quarter of the semester, as if no one had anything more useful to gossip about! Charmingly for Seraphima, she found herself following in her father’s footsteps, and all those years spent alone in her studies, coming up with her own practical theories, has helped the witch make quite a name for herself. Since graduating Hogwarts, she has published numerous articles and written a book or two about Magical Theory. She is currently in the process of writing her third. And her mother has since landed a new job as an editor for Knitter’s Own, guiding witches and wizards in casting spells for more eccentric, alternative styles that many have declared “witty, smart, and sharp.”[/i] [b]Favorite Hogwarts Memory:[/b] [i]At the Yule Ball, Seraphima was downright depressed about having no one ask her to the ball. In fact, her mother had designed and mailed her dress to her! She felt quite lovely in it, but not until her secret crush Dorrien René Logion gave her a quaint smile and polite compliment did the depression lift. He may never have shown her any affection thereafter, but she has always cherished his reaction and is certain his future wife will be aware of her mother’s spells.[/i][/indent][/hider]