[h3] Dean [/h3] Dean’s face broke into torment as he tried to conceal his emotions, especially from Mika. He needed her focused on the case, not him. If she was worried about him, she might go into this reckless. But Esme made it clear that she wasn’t strong enough to handle the loss if Duke was dead, and Dean’s mind went into the space that it always did when she was emotionally compromised…protection. With her hand squeezing his arm, he was reminded that she knew him almost better than anyone. She knew that right now, he wasn’t the strongest in the group. He might be the most protective, but he wasn’t the tough guy. He was terrified. “We’re all gonna get the hell out of here.” He repeated her, reaching a hand up to squeeze her hand as his eyes also fell on Duke’s truck, and he let out a shaky sigh. The feeling in the pit of his stomach wasn’t one that he was fond of. All he could think of were flashbacks to the many times they had been in this situation. Every one of them, Duke came out on the other side. But this time felt different. “Let’s go find him…Hey. We’re gonna find him.” He pulled Esme into his arms, pressing her forehead against his chest as he clung to her for a moment, just trying to hold onto anything he could that didn’t feel completely hopeless. It was like being that scared young hunter again. After a few minutes, he loosened his grip, sniffling and pulled back from her, placing a hand on each of her cheeks. “Stay close.” He whispered to her, before placing a tight kiss to her forehead with a sigh. He then reluctantly stepped away from her, and over to the Impala. Nat puking out the side door hurt his stomach all over again, as her physical state made him anxious. He didn’t want to come back to this car and find his sister dead…especially if they found the worst case scenario down the hill. His thoughts of handcuffing her to the steering wheel were out the window. She would never make it anywhere in this condition. He passed to Sam and began to re-evaluate the weapons on his body, making sure he was full on ammo, Ruby’s knife was tightly slid into his belt, and he still had holy water in the flask in his jacket pocket. Sam’s voice perked him up as Sam closed the door of the car. Dean shrugged and shook his head, “Not really much of a point, now, right? I mean, it’s not like she’s going to bolt down the hill and go in guns blazing when she can’t even see straight. I think she’ll be fine, right where she is.” He leaned in close to the window, signalling for Nat to roll it down a bit before leaning close to the gap she made with a sigh, “We’re going to finish this. I need you to stay put. I need you to keep yourself safe and I need you to listen to me…for once. Please. I love you, kid…” [h3] A few moments later [/h3] Dean led the group back down the hill, Ruby’s knife held so tightly in his hand that his knuckles were white. He held the knife up to his chest as he reached the barn, and pressed his back to the cold wood, assessing the situation. Peering around the side of the barn, he glanced back at the others, and held up two fingers, letting them know that there were two demon lackies guarding the front door. From what he could tell, both looked terrified, and they seemed to be expecting the group to show up. This could very well be a trap. He counted down to himself internally, before walking out from the side of the barn, brutality taking over his entire brain. He rushed the first demon, giving the others room to move around him if they wanted, and without missing a beat, he stabbed Ruby’s knife through the heart of the smaller man, causing him to flash and spark before dropping dead on the ground at Dean’s feet. He pulled the knife from the body and turned to take on the other demon, when it suddenly smoked out in terror…or as a messenger. “We gotta hurry. If they’re smoking out like that, they’re going back to someone. I don’t want to find out who that someone is.” Dean explained simply, gasping for air as his body shook with adrenaline and fear. He ran to the door of the barn, grunting as he slid it open with some effort and his eyes focused in the bright light inside. Instantly, those eyes fell on Anna and Cason against the far wall of the barn. Dean’s shoulders fell with absolute relief, seeing that she was alive at least. Cason didn’t look so hot. But they were found. He took a deep breath and turned to Sam, stepping aside to let his brother through. At least one of them would have a happy ending, here. As he stepped aside, however, his eyes fell on something that made his stomach fall to his feet, Duke’s hat, lying in the straw, covered in blood. Staying aside so Sam could get through, he turned to Esme and gave her a knowing look, as Anna began panicking to be let free, and called out Duke’s name. He swallowed heavily, before reaching his arms out to stop her from running through, “Esme. Stop. Let me go in first…” [h3] Anna and Cason [/h3] Anna rolled her head to the side, staring blankly at a hole in the side of the barn as Cason rested, his hand now limp again. She flexed her fingers, trying to see if he was still alive, and as if understanding her internal question, he tapped his middle finger against the back of her hand. She took a deep breath, letting it out in a shaky attempt to not start crying again as she stared. The sound of a body hitting the ground outside, and a familiar grunt perked up her ears. “Dean?!” She cried out, looking toward the door with wide and hopeful eyes. But then the sound stopped, followed by a horrific scream from one of the demons as it smoked out. The silence was deafening as she waited to see who was going to come through the door. When Dean slid the door open, standing there with Ruby’s knife in his hand, panting for air, Anna’s heart nearly burst with relief. Dean didn’t seem to care for her much, but in that moment, seeing his face was like seeing a spring of water in the middle of a barren desert. Then he stepped aside, and her eyes fell on Sam. All independence and toughness that might have been stored in her brain fell away. She reached out for him, sobbing violently as she stressed the chain around her wrist to try and get to Sam. “Sam! Oh my god…You’re alive! The demon. That demon. He’ll come back for us. He’ll come back and he’ll kill all of you. He’s…get me out of this, please. Please!” Anna panicked, swinging her arm forward to show him that she was bolted to the floor. “And Cason. We have to help him. He’s dying. Duke! Oh my god Duke!”