Characters look great! Excited to see how these professors handle the incoming students! Speaking of students I am going to ask the group. Would you prefer I create a bunch of NPC's and whatnot for everyone to use, or would you like to create some of your own. I am thinking I will be available to help with student writing, and people can request I write a little bit here and there for them to have their professor interact with. At any time you are of course allowed to create and write in a student doing this and that, but I know for some that can be a little annoying so if need be I can write for a bunch of students as well. Let me know what you are comfortable doing and what you might want help with or enjoy writing together on as far as students. My thought is I might sometimes post silly 'facts' about the goings on and whatnot An example below. "Tonight no less than 8 students were outside their common rooms. Some with romantic hopes and others with mischievous goals Some thought being away from the castle would work and are making their way to the Quidditch pitch while another group hopes to find the greenhouse unsupervised and lacking a patrol. If someone were to then write 'my professor headed towards the greenhouse for their evening patrol I would ping them and ask if they would want me to roleplay as the students or if they would like to. Anyway just spit-balling here. I will be on for most of the evening if other people want to chat more about this and anything else they might have!