[center][h1]Nakajima Ageha[/h1][/center] One down, at last. That had taken entirely too long, even for a Hollow likely tougher than the rest. Shameful on her end. Ageha would have to redouble her efforts. She rose from her crouch where she'd landed, brandishing Tetsu Moya with deadly intent. A quick glance across the field had her narrowing her eyes in a disdainful glare at the living human near Shion, though she didn't manage to do anything further with that thought. As it turned out, it seemed Jinzo had gotten himself into trouble. Considering he'd engaged however many Hollows at once, that wasn't a surprise. Ageha gnashed her teeth in irritation, following after Shion. Once both of them were atop the warehouse, Ageha split off, covering a different direction than Shion in fighting off the Hollows attacking their nominal teammate. [b]"Remind me again why you couldn't have picked a less suicidal plan of attack, fool!"[/b] Ageha spat in Jinzo's direction, her dadao flashing as she slashed out at a Hollow, aiming to cleave straight through its mask. [b]"You couldn't have waited not one minute?"[/b]