[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/OHf0AL9.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/OnizJ1D.png[/img][/center] [color=ffccFF]“Wh- really? Yea-hea!”[/color] Trinity played a short triumphant fanfare with the synth and lyre and struck a quick pose with her fist up, then followed along after Jenna. As Jenna went quickly into her office, Trinity called up a trumpet and played something ceremonious-sounding. Where to put the mark? Trinity considered the question for a moment before pointing to a spot on her clavicle, just over her chest, [color=ffccFF]“I'll have to show it sometimes, right? This spot should be prevalent enough.”[/color] She closed her eyes and pictured.. her hair color. A gentle lavender. That way, she didn't have to worry about it clashing with her clothes. She peeked down at it after it was given, [color=ffccFF]“cool! So, I..”[/color] the music lulled momentarily, a mute appeared on the trumpet, her eyes came back to Jenna and she touched her finger to her own cheek, [color=ffccFF]“guess I'll look at the job board, unless you've got something special for me? Oh,"[/color] the intensity grew and built anticipation, the mute came off gradually, she caught her lyre as it floated into her hand and she began to play it herself, [color=ffccFF]"there's probably some kind of orientation or something, right?”[/color]