Kay listened to what John was telling her. She couldn't help but get the sense that when he said emotional hold over John, there was more to it and the two men certainly had some kind history that wasn't strictly business. Though it didn't bother her in the slightest if that was the case. She forced the thoughts out of her head when he brought up about working on what Drake thought was the case. "it's possible I guess? I wouldn't even know where to begin figuring out that theory." She replied to him, stepping over and sitting opposite him. "Could Bane really be linked to whatever is coming for me?" She asked. [b][u]LA, THE LUX BAR[/u][/b] The group noticed how Serena seemed to know what to do when they all got inside, which didn't help Fia's suspicions that Serena was involved somehow in her mother's corruption. If she kept just how well she knew Lucifer and Maze from them, then what else was she keeping them? She didn't want to think ill of Serena, she was like a aunt to her, but she also couldn't let her emotions get in the way of how important it was to her to save her mother. As they all looked around at the empty bar, they all tried to see anyone who would greet them in any manner. Fia and Chas prepared for an ambush deep down even though they were outwardly seeming relaxed. "I'm here!" Maze called out as she appeared out a side door up the top of the stairs above them. "Lucifer is on his way down. What brings you guys here?" She asked, walking down the stairs, acknowledging Chas with a simple nod but had raised eyebrows at the sight of Drake, Josh and Fia. "And who are these people?" She asked. "Doesn't matter who we are" Fia said before she couldn't stop herself. "ooh..she's a firey one" Maze smirked. "you have no idea" Fia retorted. "Fia cut the sass" Chas whispered to her.