[color=silver][h2][center]Stella Lumite[/center][/h2][/color] [hider=Inventory]GP: 1500 Items: PokeBall 6x, Potion x5, Antidote x5, Escape Rope, Repel[/hider] [hider=Roster][hider=Kaebe]Tyrunt ♂, Lv 8, Full HP Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip, Roar, Ancient Power Ability: Strong Jaw[/hider] [hider=Ocul]Blipbug ♂, Lv 7, Full HP Moves: Struggle Bug, Infestation Ability: Swarm[/hider] [hider=Scamp]Yamper ♀, Lv 5, Full HP Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip, Nuzzle Ability: Rattled[/hider] [hider=Niblet]Joltic ♀, Lv 7, Full HP Moves: Absorb, Fury Cutter, Electroweb Ability: Compound Eyes[/hider] [hider=Sterk]Rookidee ♂, Lv 5, Full HP Moves: Peck, Leer, Power Trip Ability: Big Pecks[/hider] [hider=Spoops]Gastly ♂, Lv 6, Full HP Moves: Lick, Confuse Ray, Hypnosis Ability: Levitation[/hider] [hider=PC]Empty[/hider][/hider] Stella gave a soft sigh as she found nothing obvious within the room. Gastly noted the egg quickly as they entered, and the bookish girl nodded about it but wanted to check out the whole room first. [color=silver]”Huh. It's like being at home.”[/color] It was about as abandoned of people as she expected, but there wasn't anything in here to have made that noise. Did it leave the egg and, what, just left? Then there were the pictures. Someone bothered to tear out all the depictions of.. someone. The mother died first? Tragically, perhaps. Who was the missing figure? Her finger brushed the fur on the one picture frame, [color=silver]“what, a Pokèmon tore the pictures..? It was probably the Pokèmon that was torn out, anyway. Don’t you think?”[/color] The girl looked back at Gastly. [color=a187be]“Gas?”[/color] [color=silver]”Hm.”[/color] She nodded softly, considering possibilities, then shook her head. Not enough information. She carefully gathered the egg and diary before having a seat on the couch to go through the diary. She sat with the egg in her lap, her arms around it as she held the diary in front of her. She brushed her fingers over it for a moment, [color=silver]”it's just a book now, isn't it..”[/color] another moment, and she opened the diary.