This was not the first time that Captain Metallo and his crew had struck a metaphorical wasp’s nest. The cavalcade of fuckups moved into formation with a practised precision despite their ramshackle nature, And-R-0 and Mechanical Turk seeking the nearest terminal to start their ordered endeavour. The only reason it was [i]interrupted[/i] was thanks to the irate creature whom they had kicked without realising. Energy-enhanced cutlery added to the arsenal of projectiles flying all over the place, And-R-0 managing to evade them only by the finish of his grill. [color=#9b59b6]“Whoah – hey! I’m not Metallo, that’s him.”[/color] And-R-0 pointed towards the one with the fancy hat, before scarpering off to the best of his ability. MT and And-R-0 leaped over, rolled under, and crashed through the debris surrounding them to finally find the aforementioned terminal. Mechanical Turk brought open one arm, from which several needles exploded from his fingertips before sinking into the fancy looking terminal. As sophisticated as the technology looked, the security would stand no chance to the mechanically minded. MT and And-R-0 were covered by an entourage of drones, some of whom rotated their floating bodies to take potshots at the attacking amazons. A couple fell in the crossfire, but they performed their duty in protecting their master. As for Metallo? Well, now he had grabbed the aggro of both Anfield and the masses of Amazons. The pirate lowered his energy cutlass, taking a few shots above him before he finally spoke. [color=#f1c40f]“Sorry ‘bout that, lad. This landin’ was a little [i]impromptu[/i] as it were, we weren’t intendin’ on interruptin’ yer lunch. Tell you wha-”[/color] [h3]CRACK![/h3] Metallo’s life had nearly been thrown away by the charged energy Alatheia had thrown at him, interrupted only by Biggs absorbing the shot in its entirety under his photo-kinetic shielding. The walking tank of a war machine responded in kind, the energy of his repurposed point defence cannon warming up with a charging shriek before unleashing a hail of plasma with rapid and devastating counter fire, turning the cover into scorched dust and any Amazons unlucky enough to get caught by it into vague ash-prints, the shots carrying through any shielding and leaving nothing to be buried. [color=#f1c40f]“As I was [b]sayin’[/b]. I’m guessin’ you might not be ‘ere on your volition, so I’ll give you an offer: We’re about to rescue a whole bunch of prisoners and re-posess this place’s ill gotten gains. If you join us, we’ll get ye both a good meal and-”[/color] [color=#c0392b]“[b]WE ARE HERE TO STRIP THIS PLACE BARREN OF TREASURE, [/b]”[/color] Biggs boomed. [color=#c0392b]“[b]IF YOU WANT TO JOIN US, THEN YOU WILL GET YOUR FAIR SHARE AND A RIDE OUT OF THIS PAPERCLIP FORBIDDEN PLACE.[/b]”[/color] [color=#f1c40f]“Aye, that.”[/color] Another interruption, this time coming from Metallo’s radio chatter. [color=#3498db]“”[/color] [color=#f1c40f]“Noted. Now, lad. We’re ‘bout to get ourselves some extra hands, so me offer remains. What say you?”[/color]