[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230205/f69dd2f75b7475275d406e055ff4e99c.png[/img] [color=537DAE][b]Mentions:[@Ithradine][/b][/color] [/center][hr] [color=537DAE][b]"TRAITOR!"[/b][/color] Arton growled the words taking a step towards Ciradyl with his fists clenched, nails digging into the base of his palms. He had assisted with carrying the parts of the gatling gun back to their safehouse and had gotten the gist of what had happened. The swordsman had refused to believe the words of someone like Mizutani when Ciradyl had been so accommodating. Now that the confirmation came from her own mouth it fueled an intense rage inside him that he could hardly control. A different face flashed over Ciradyl for a moment and he nearly lunged for her throat. Instead, he dug his nails deeper into his fists to the point they drew blood. [color=B2FFC4]"Do it...if it shall make you feel better."[/color] Ciradyl's voice was faint, weak but she would get no pity from him. A heavy fist slammed into the table in the center and split it in two at the impact. [color=537DAE]"I won't do you the kindness of taking some of that guilt away. You're just pathetic."[/color] [color=537DAE]"I'm sorry for the table."[/color] Arton took a few steps back to where he had been standing before. It was true that they hadn't heard exactly what Ciradyl had been responsible but the idea she would betray her countrymen for an advantage infuriated him. Was Team Kirin next? Would Ciradyl turn them over as one of her ploys to gain leverage or power? He didn't care what explanation or reasoning she gave. The only reason he even considered her worhty of life was she was Izayoi's friend and thus far assisted them. Team Kirin would be leaving shortly anyway and he would never have to stare at her face again.