[h3] Anna [/h3] Anna continued to try and reach for Sam as he tried to break the chains free of the floor. As weak as they were, Anna was confident that he could break them free, but it wasn’t happening fast enough. She looked all around them, expecting a demon to show up and begin the massacre any second, but as Sam finally broke the chain, Anna’s heart flew into her throat with happiness. She wrapped her arms around his neck, burying her face in his shoulder as he lifted her from the ground, “I thought they had killed you. Cason kept saying you were coming for us, but…I couldn’t feel you or anything. I thought you were dead.” Anna was shivering, a clear sign that she was both terrified and strung out on demon blood. Her skin was blazing hot and she was drenched in sweat as she shivered in Sam’s arms. [h3] Dean, Duke and Cason [/h3] Dean gritted his teeth as Esme pushed past him, punching the air by his hip. Before he could turn around and follow her, he heard as she found Duke. He closed his eyes for a brief moment, preparing himself for this one. This is something he always thought he would be prepared for, Duke dying on him, breaking his heart. He had worked up to this, for years, but having Duke back, a lot of those feelings had fallen away. Duke had changed, even if just a bit. He seemed more careful, more trained up. He turned with a huff, deciding to play this as stern and tough as he could, but the second his eyes fell on Esme cradling Duke in his arms, his entire mind reverted back to fear and he nearly froze. There was no way Duke could survive that wound. There was no way that he was getting out of here alive. He quietly walked over to Esme and Duke, slowly lowering himself onto his knees beside them, “C’mon man…please…” It was then that he realized he was beginning to tear up, something he didn’t necessarily want Esme to see, in this moment. He turned his eyes away from them, as Esme tried to wake Duke, and stared over at Sam and Anna, his heart flooding with a little relief, like a cool drink of water. But hearing Esme tell Duke how much she loved him shattered Dean’s heart. Duke had to survive this… [b] In Duke’s mind [/b] “You runnin’ from your boyfriend?” Duke called out, the sun shining so bright that he could barely see as he looked up from under the rim of his cowboy hat. In the bright sunlight, as he squinted, Esme appeared. She was wearing a dress she would never wear, and she looked almost like an angel…if he didn’t know better. He sat his knife aside on the tailgate, and looked around. He was sitting in a large field, near the barn he had apparently died in, on the tailgate of his truck. And Esme? Well she was looking too good to be true. He tilted his head as she stepped even closer to him, “Now hold on. If Dean come’s out here, he’s gonna assume the worst. You know that.” Esme didn’t answer him, but her hand raised, causing Duke to shy away from her touch briefly, as it made contact with his cheek. He could feel her fingers against his skin, eventually knocking the cowboy hat off the top of his head, which confused him to no end. “I love you, Duke.” She whispered, the sound echoing all through his brain and freezing him in place. “Wait wait wait…I’m dead, right? I died in the barn? Dammit. I can’t go out like that.” “But you have to.” Esme suddenly spoke for the first time. And Duke shook his head. “Yes. You can’t argue with death, Jason.” “You’re not her. Let me guess…you’re a reaper. You’re one of them? Then you let me go back and say goodbye.” “You know I can’t do that.” She whispered, stepping up to him. Her steps caused him to flinch but she smiled. “And you know I can’t take you unless you agree to go with me.” “I know. And I ain’t goin’ nowhere, until I tell that girl goodbye.” “It’s a bad idea, Jason. They will try to save you…and they will fail.” She explained sadly. “I don’t care. I don’t care because it will give them closure…”

“No. It will leave a hole. It will be a failure. It will be a casualty that both of them will never heal from.” The reaper whispered, brushing his hair away from his forehead as she spoke. Duke shook his head. “They know how this job is. They know people die!” “And that’s why it’s unnessary pain. You can go with me. You’ll rest…they can rest.” She spoke softly, but firm. Her words caused Duke to scoff incredulously, shaking his head. “You think they’ll rest? In case you haven’t noticed, the world is endin’ around them. There is no rest! Please. Please…I’m not goin’ with you. So do what you need to do. I’m goin’ back to them. I’m goin’ to tell that girl goodbye.” Duke said definitely, and the reaper sighed sadly. She leaned in, and pressed a soft kiss to his lips, the sun brightening into a blinding white light. The light suddenly faded, and the world was dark again, but her lips were still pressed to his. Duke kissed her back, not opening his eyes, as Esme’s lips began to feel real to him. He wasn’t leaving yet… Breaking the kiss, he smirked. “I don’t even wanna know…how h-hard you’re gonna punch me later…” Duke suddenly spoke, causing Dean to flinch. He turned back to stare at him with wide eyes, reaching forward to his limp hand. Duke instantly squeezed his fingers weakly and Dean sighed, not even realizing he had been holding his breath. “Oh my god, Duke. Jesus Christ…” Dean shuddered out a terrified sigh, his face scrunching as he fought a sob. Dean’s entire body jolted as Mika called his name, asking him to come and help with Cason. He came back to reality slowly, and the aggravation and anger bubbled up in his chest as he turned to her. If it was Duke’s life or Cason’s he already knew his choice, even if Natalia would hate him for it. Dean closed his eyes tightly and sighed, standing from Duke’s side and turning on his heel. He looked around the area, and his eyes fell on a crowbar hanging on the wall. He grabbed it on his way by, his aggression heightening with every single step. He then squatted in front of Cason, wedging the crowbar between the iron cuff and the wall, breaking it with ease and releasing Cason’s neck. He tossed the crowbar aside, and sighed through his nose before grabbing Cason’s jaw in his hand, “I want you to look at me…” “Why? So you can look me in the eyes, while you kill me? You don’t think I know?” “Oh I know you do. I know that you know…you’re not walking out of here. Right? You know that there is no part of me that’s going to give you even half a chance to take my sister any further down whatever hell slide you have planned for her.” Dean spoke low, making sure that no one would be able to hear him, other than Cason. Cason shook his head. “I would never hurt her.” “Sure. You’re a good lapdog, right? No. See…unlike my siblings, I don’t believe that for a second. I don’t believe for a second that you have some sort of human soul trapped in that meatsuit that is calling your shots out of some sense of what…love? No. No…” Dean laughed incredulously and wrapped his hand around the fire poker that was lodged into the wall through Cason’s body. Cason cried out in pain, reaching up to grab Dean’s wrist. But Dean slapped his hand away and began rocking the poker up and down, seemingly attempting to remove it from the wall. “You almost got them killed. My brother…Anna. What happens…when the chips are down, and you have to choose between Lucifer and my sister?” Cason growled, his eyes black as he glared back at Dean, once again reaching for Dean’s wrist. Dean slapped his hand away again, and Cason groaned, gritting his teeth, “I protected Anna. I r-rebelled.” “And a lot of good that did. The demons are hotter on her ass now than they were, and Sam’s. If they take you, they will leave Nat alone.” Dean sneered at Cason but Cason shook his head and coughed. “No. They will just get to her faster…” “What do you know? What do you know about Anna and my brother?” Dean asked, rocking the poker again and causing Cason to cry out once again. “Dammit! I don’t know. I know that Lilith…Lilith wants Sam’s head. I know that…I know that Lilith wants Anna. I don’t know why. It’s not like I can read her mind.” “But she was your boss. She must have told you something!” Dean growled a little louder. “Her only orders were…were to keep Anna safe. That’s it. Keep her safe until he comes. She didn’t say why. She didn’t tell me what she wanted from her. And then I hid…I hid Anna from her. I didn’t bring them together…fate did.” Cason gasped out. Without another word, Dean ripped the firepoker out of the wall behind Cason, freeing him, and threw it to the side with a loud ‘clang’. Cason took a deep breath, as if it was the first he had ever breathed, but stayed still. “If you are some sort of unicorn demon, then fine. If that’s the case, I’m sorry. And if that’s the case, you will understand…why you can’t come with us.” Dean said as he stood up, a torn look between disgust and regret plastered to his face. He turned to walk away, and then turned back to Cason briefly, “Nat will forgive me eventually. Good luck, man…” Cason didn’t argue with Dean. He simply leaned his head back, allowing his body to slowly start healing as Dean turned, and walked back to Duke’s side. Luckily, Duke was relatively thin, or there’s no way they would have ever made it out with him. “Let’s get him out of here.” Dean grunted at Esme. He didn’t know if moving Duke was a good idea, but they didn’t really have a choice. He signalled for Esme to help him, and he wrapped one of Duke’s arms around his neck, counting to Esme before hoisting Duke from the ground, “I got you bud. Let’s get you patched up. C’mon…just stay with me.” As Dean began to walk to the door of the barn, Anna looked back to Cason, and then to Dean and then to Sam and instantly shook her head. She pulled out of Sam’s arms, peeling him off her with her burning hot hands, and twisted in every way she could to get away from him until she was free. “No. No. We’re not leaving him! You can’t leave him!” She cried out, running over to Dean. “Anna…move.” Dean warned her, his face showing nothing but seriousness and urgency. He didn’t want to hurt her, but he was getting Duke out, even if he had to anger his brother. “No! We’re not leaving him. Sam. Help me. Please. Mika? Someone!” She cried out, running over to Cason and pulling one of his arms around her neck. She attempted to lift his damaged body with all her might, but they both collapsed on the ground as she whimpered. “Someone help me! Please!” Dean closed his eyes, sighing through his nose, as Anna’s voice pierced his heart and then turned to shoot a look at Mika, shaking his head to tell her they didn’t have time to save Cason. They had to go. Anna continued to cry out for help, as Dean left the barn with Esme and Duke, his heart heavy with guilt. Nat might never forgive him. “Sam…Please. Please help me…” Anna begged, her trauma bonding with Cason evident as she shielded his body, covering the wound in his stomach with her hand as it gushed blood. Even with her addiction, her mind wasn’t even focused on his blood, only his well being. He wasn’t healing fast enough to walk out on his own two feet. The lights began to flicker, signalling that the demons were likely on their way back.