While waiting for the other characters to be made, I decided to answer the questions from each of my class sheets. [hider=An Interview With Grandfather Trafalgar] [u]Who is (or was) your mentor? What is (or was) your relationship with them?[/u] My mentor was my grandfather, Grandfather Columbus. He taught me as his grandfather taught him, I learned the history, knowledge, and secrets of the Ćororo people under his tutelage to keep the ancient wisdom alive and allow me to guide our caravan when the time came for me to do so. [u]Did you attend an academy or college? What kind of people did you meet there?[/u] No wall can contain a Ćororo for long. Aside from the occasional day or two spent within a library or famous learning institution, the open sky has been the only place of study I have ever known. [u]There is this centuries-old mystery you’re obsessed with. What is it?[/u] The Ćororo caravans can navigate the World Storms with an effortless ease that no other people can achieve. The secret of how we came to possess this gift has long been lost to the forgetfulness of Time. I intend to rediscover this secret. [u]Is it true that some things are better left buried beneath the sands of time?[/u] I do not think this is true. If we forget the past, we will be condemned to reenact the worst of its errors. [u]Do you think everyone can be persuaded? Is it true that everyone has a price?[/u] My answer to both of these questions is the same: No. While words [i]can[/i] move many people and wealth many people more, neither of these things can hope to change the course of someone guided by their heart. [u]You thought someone was on your side, but they betrayed you. Who are they?[/u] Just as my grandfather passed the history, knowledge, and secrets of the Ćororo people on to me, I passed them on to my own grandson, Luzon. I do not understand what would possess him to then divulge those secrets to the Hegemony, but I intend to find out. [u]How do you feel about manipulating people, even if it is for a good cause?[/u] They say the pen is mightier than the sword. But regardless of whether that is true or not, pens and swords are alike in one respect: Both are neither inherently good or bad. It's all in the wielder. How do I feel about manipulation? So long as it is used for good, I have no trouble with it. [u]In the past, your words ended up putting you in trouble. What happened?[/u] I am 87 years old. There have been MANY times in my past when my words have gotten me into trouble. [u]What led you to live a life of endless travels? Was it your choice? ...are you tired?[/u] As a Ćororo, a life of endless travels was the life I was born into. As a Ćororo man, a life of endless travels was a life in which I chose to remain. And as an old Ćororo man, a life of endless travels is a life I will only tire of the day I tire of life itself. [u]Is there a place or person that feels like “home” to you?[/u] My caravan was such a place and the members of that caravan were such people. After Luzon's betrayal, the Hegemony came after us in case my grandson had held back or simply not known any additional secrets. We escaped their clutches relatively unharmed. But we had to scatter to the wind to do so. I pray that one day we may all find each other again, but I fear that the caravan may not be made whole once more in what little I have left of my lifetime. [u]You have met many people and visited many places. Is there one you can’t forget?[/u] The memory of a Ćororo Grandfather is one of the most robust vaults in existence. I have not forgotten anything since my mid sixties. It is my gift. It is my curse. [u]You lost something or someone because of your travels. What happened?[/u] I suppose I lost them because of my travels in a roundabout manner of thinking. Like many Wayfarers, I once had a Faithful Companion. My dear departed Victoria. The finest crowned pigeon to ever live. She was my friend through many dangers. Time's kleptomaniacal tendencies took her from this world at 30 years of age, an exceptionally long life my the standards of her species. As was Ćororo tradition, I took Victoria's passing as a sign that my more adventurous days were drawing to a close. I settled down not long after and never strayed far from my caravan after that... Until recently at least. [/hider]