[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/ydQRjSS/cooltext462476257658656.jpg[/img][/center] After managing to take care of the hollow closest to her, she analyzed more of her surroundings while also managing to take note of the dim light she seemed to be emitting from behind her. She listened as Aya had shouted out to go for the mask or be fast enough to run. Asami knew that she could very easily manage both if she wanted. However, she had a higher priority as the shield had finally been dropped to get the big spider down which made her disgusted to watch as she had a scowl on her face from being less than amused by the disgusting creature. She would then watch as Aya and Deimos had engaged with the disgusting beast before choosing to take her action of getting Kobe free. As she would shoot up towards where he was, she had hoped that what she was about to touch with her sword wouldn't be slimy and thankfully that was not the case as she slashed through his encasement to let him free although he was a bit weakened. She landed fairly gracefully and would simply watch Kobe's stumbling form head toward the table nearby to stabilize himself. Asami would roll her eyes and sigh at him looking pitiful in front of her but she wouldn't comment because she could very easily see how hard he was trying to stand. [color=a187be]"Just stay safe if you can and rest. We don't need an idiot dying right now."[/color] She said to him before looking back toward Aya and Deimos and Tatsui and Yuto. Trying to decide between the two pairs, she knew she needed to react quickly and figured that Yuto and Tatsui had been able to handle themselves so far, she'd quick step toward Aya and Deimos to help them.