[h2]Esme[/h2] Esme had hardly noticed that Dean had come up and kneeled beside her and Duke as she spoke to him. It wasn’t until Dean had talked to Duke that she knew he was there. She wasn’t even aware that Sarah had quietly made her way in and lay across from them. She was so focused on Duke that everything around her had faded out of existence. She wanted, no, needed Duke to pull out of this, even though she knew in the back of her mind it would take a miracle for that to happen. When she felt Duke return her second kiss, she jumped but didn’t pull back until he broke it. As soon as she saw his smirk, Esme released a shaking breath she hadn’t realized she was holding. Esem opened her mouth to say something, but Duke spoke first. It was hard for her to tell who that comment was directed toward most, but she welcomed hearing his voice after the silence. As Dean spoke, Esme lifted a hand and wiped the tears from her cheeks, only to jump again as Mika called him over for help with Cason. She instantly felt Dean's aggravation and anger rise. As Dean got up and walked away, Esme placed her fingers on Duke’s lips. “Shh, no more talking. You need to save your strength.” she told him softly. She moved her fingers from his lips as she sniffled and looked down at him. “Just stay with me.” she breathed as she held him close. She then leaned down and placed a tender kiss on his forehead. Esme tried to pull herself together, she never did like Duke or Dean seeing her in this state, but it wasn't proving easy. Sniffling, she shifted carefully to make herself and Duke more comfortable before wiping away more tears from her cheek. It was then she realized she was shivering and cold, but she didn’t want to move to reach her jacket and cause Duke any pain. To get her mind off being cold, she focused on keeping Duke comfortable and as pain-free as possible by stroking his hair and taking most of his pain into herself. “We’re going to get out of here soon.” she whispered. Then Sarah’s movement pulled her gaze from Duke. Esme watched as she carefully moved around them and over to Esme’s jacket, which she then brought to her. “Thanks, Sarah.” she told the Hellhound as she took it from her. Sarah gave Esme a soft nuzzle and white before laying down next to her once more. Esme carefully slid on her jacket and returned to caring for Duke as Sarah turned her head to look at Dean and Cason. Sarah fought with herself to go and help Cason, but his words about Esme kept ringing in her ears, so she stayed put at Esme’s side, keeping watch. When Dean returned to Esme and Duke, Sarah quietly alerted Esme to him. Esme looked up at Dean just as he spoke to her. “Yes, let’s.” she said with a nod. She knew it wasn’t the greatest idea moving Duke, but she knew they had no choice. At Dean’s signal, she helped him get Duke into position to be lifted before getting off her knees with Duke’s other arm around her shoulder, then lifted Duke from the ground on his count, all while still keeping her shirt pressed firmly to Duke’s wound and making sure he hardly felt any pain. She walked with them to the barn door, only to be stopped by Anna. Her eyes saddened for the girl as she realized what was going on, they were leaving Cason behind. As Anna begged, she couldn’t bring herself to say anything to her. Her heart went out to the girl, but they had to get Duke out here. Esme closed her eyes tightly briefly and sighed heavily, Anna’s cries tearing at her heart. When Dean began walking again, she followed along, a sick feeling overtaking her as she walked out with Dean and Duke quietly. Sarah had taken to her paws and followed quietly behind the three, keeping close but not too close to alert Dean of her presence. When Anna stopped the three, her head kept darting between Dean, Anna, and Cason. She quickly picked up on what was happening, and it became even more evident when Dean and Esme continued to the barn door with Duke. Her head darted between Esme and Cason, a whine escaping her as she felt torn between who to be with. Sarah ran over to Cason and whined, then nudged his arm. His words about Esme rang in her ears again as she looked down at him. With a whine, she nuzzled his cheek and reluctantly followed after Esme, stopping briefly to pick up Duke’s hat on the way out. Sarah quickly closed the gap between her and Esme and took her place just a little behind Esme. As they walked to the cars, Esme kept looking up at Duke to monitor how he was holding up. “We’re almost there. Stay with us.” she told him.