Chinmoku would look to Nemesis, a grin on his face as he could tell, that the Nomu was not expecting someone to trade blows with him. [color=cyan] "You know, not that you have much of your own thought, but-" [/color] He would find himself completely in another area... something... somewhere had teleported him. It took him only a moment to realize what was happening as he suddenly went to his knees at the.. pressure. This pressure as if Gravity had been turned up in the room. He looked up as he saw an images of death flashing before his eyes. The panic began to set in as he seemed to hear muffled sounds of others saying things around him. [color=cyan] "No... NO." [/color] Chin said as he shook his head as best he could to flush the images. [color=cyan] "That's not reality...." [/color] But that giant meteor he just realized was coming down.. was real... was very real as he noticed the people around him. Trying to stop it. Chinmoku took only a moment to close his eyes and take a breath. His senses now calmed, he opened his eyes a determined look trying to ignore the painful pressing of the gravity that continued to push down on him. [color=cyan] "Cover your ears! Don't ask just do! [/color] He shouted to those around him. He was only supposed to use this in case of an emergency and this.... this giant meteor that seemed ready to destroy everyone and everything , was definitely that. An emergency. He was so focused he didn't even see the villains who were doing all this. One problem at a time. He needed to take a breath. He needed a moment he wasn't sure he had. Until a boy with long hair seemed to be able to slow the meteor.[i] I will have to remember to say thank you.[/i] thought Chin. He took a few baited breaths before taking a big breath. He had to try even harder as the gravity made it difficult the even breathe... Chinmoku realized he was going to have to give this his absolute all.... No... there was no choice, in this, it was either his all, or everyone died... or he died.... Chin's eyes widened, if he died his father would be disappointed, that on his first day.... he failed. A look of disdain covered his face as he looked up finally finished with that breath. A screech, a yell, a scream. Whatever you wanted to call it, came from Chinmoku as he used his Banshee Screech. (This is essentially what I'm going for his screech.) [i]Louder, harder, EVERYTHING...I .... HAVE![/i] he thought as the scream got even louder, you could see the shockwaves coming from his mouth slamming into the meteor with ferocity, but it wasn't just one. It was a shockwave, after shockwave, after shockwave slamming harder the louder his scream got. Glass would start shattering around them if there was any from the decibels that he was raising his screech to. But he couldn't stop until this meteor was destroyed.