[img] https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240721/045a1499395de24cb292afd3237addfd.png[/img] Marsala observed the situation, making note of everything going wrong for Alfredo and why. They were grateful Alfredo had at least managed to stay clung to Vhoth, but it wasn’t enough. If they had been less cautious, more willing to get in the way, they could have helped already. [i][color=F2D885]It seems less hesitation will let me make my own openings. [/color][/i] With that thought in mind, Marsala began taking off their gloves as they watched the scene in front of them unfold. The gashes on the under belly, the nail lodged in its side, and the stone-horn being held down on both its front and back. All of their allies were taking the opportunities presented despite also getting in each other’s ways. [i][color=F2D885]Less hesitation, right? [/color][/i] They began making their way forward as a gunshot rang out again and the stone-horn dropped its defensive storm. As sudden as its apparent defeat, the stone-horn began thrashing about. Worry courses through Marsala first. Both for the fellow tossed about, and for the girl who was still within stomping range of the beast. The man likely has a couple heavily bruised, if not broken, ribs and the girl, quasit or not, would still be in trouble if the beast stepped on her. The second thing Marsala processes is that the beast is now missing an eye. The gunner had succeeded in hitting his mark and taking out the eye. And rats can fit anywhere that they can get their heads in. Priorities and plan set, they hurry to the girl to try and get her to her feet, and out of the way of the beast. [i][color=F2D885]Or, well, I suppose feet isn’t the appropriate word here. Get her to her prosthesis?[/color][/i] Marsala can check on the man once significant injury is avoidable. While kneeling to help Penni, Marsala finds the ground covered in blood and catches sight of Cambrian slinking out from under the beast. The blood covering him, his only give away. [i][color=F2D885]How can anyone stand to have so much blood and dirt on them?[/color][/i] Marsala is immediately aware of the blood now covering their pants, the blood and dirt now scattered across Penni, and their uncovered hands. They have to hold back a gag as they help Penni, once again grateful for their mask as they cannot keep the disgust off their face. During this, Alfredo lets out a squeak towards Vhoth and pats the man’s arm before running towards the only proper opening on the stone-horn, its eye. Alfredo works to get his head inside the eye socket, wiggling and clawing his way far enough in to release the poison. And, hopefully, work to delay the beast’s reaction times. [i][color=F2D885]The sooner it’s poisoned, the sooner we don’t have to worry about such a violent thrash again. [/color][/i]