[@Pacifista] [H2][CENTRE][color=fff200][b]KUROZUMI HAKU[/b][/color][/CENTRE][/H2] [color=fff200][i]Dear Coriander, this is Haku. I’m writing this letter to keep in touch, as I had many things to tell you but couldn’t due to our parting. It’s been weeks since we’ve left Tune town, and East Blue is quiet as ever so there hasn’t been much-[/i][/color] “Haku!” He stood at attention immediately at his name being called, placing the feather pen and letter down in one swift motion. “Break time’s over! Time to wrap up and head out for the next Island!” The Quartermaster said as the Kirin crew escorted a bunch of captured pirates. Tail end of smoke and fire slowly dying out in the fight. From afar, the pirates ship was already consigned to Davy Jones' locker. Treasures confiscated will require them to interrogate where it was taken and given back, if such assets were made from illegal trading however… Haku saluted, slipped the letter back to his uniform then jumped from the cliff overlooking the operation. Landing on all fours before heading to help others, carrying the heavy loads of treasure chest. Like ants, they worked as one before the heavy anchor lifted even as Captain Cadog looked at the weather and skies. “Raise sails!” The Helmsman commanded as the Kirin took to the seas once again, cutting through the ocean rapidly to their next destination. “Each Beli has their number, so we can trace where it’s issued out. From there, it’s just finding the area. Gold’s harder, as each of them had different print from different kingdom-” Their accountant explained to Haku, showing him how to catalogue the pirates' loot. [color=fff200]“And if they’re erased?”[/color] He lifted one gold coin, it’s print long gone and seemingly hammered out. “Set them aside, they’re evidence.” [color=fff200]“And once done?” [/color]Haku curiously asked, setting a large amount of gold coins separate. “That’s up to judges.” Cadog walked behind the two. Smoke pipe in hand as he watched them work. “Officially, it’ll be used for the good of the World Government.” “But it be more likely to end up in someone's pockets.” He grunted and took a deep breath from his pipe. “Also, take out that coin.” Without a word, Haku hand took out a single coin from his pocket. Much to the treasurer's annoyance, not at Haku taking but rather, that he didn’t notice. [color=fff200]“Sorry, habit.”[/color] He apologized with a nod before being rapped at the back of his head. “Go swab the decks.” Cadog growled between teeth as the young boy quickly went to fulfilled his orders. “Good mood sir?” The Treasurer said, well-familiar with Cadog’s temperament. “Our next destination, Lime Town.” Shoulders loosened as Cadog straightened at that mention. “It’s been awhile since I’ve been there.” “Ah, I see. Think the Lobster Chow is still there?” “Hah! It’ll be there! I’m sure of it!” Cadog laughed heartily, why, it’s been standing since he was a child! And he dropped by it every chance he could whenever he’s stationed in East Blue. And this was a chance to show the kid true East Blue cuisine. Nowhere else would there be other shop that’ll be able to fight against it! … ….. ……. “I must had too much of a drink. Cabin Boy.” [color=fff200]“Yes?”[/color] Haku dutifully said. “Tell me, this IS the place called Lobster Chow?” [color=fff200]“It is, sir. And it’s very closed. They even boarded the place even.”[/color] “...” [b]“BLOODY BLISTERING BARNACLES-!”[/b] [color=fff200][i]-That there hasn’t been much going. I'm, however, told that we’ll be dropping by an Island that serves good food. East Blue cuisine are a bit too heavy for me but Cadog insisted that it's simply my taste bud that's the problem. I humbly disagree, hardtack and water alongside mites are a fine meal on its own. Nevertheless, it’s these quiet, boring days I find rather pleasant as I’ve not recall seeing such peace in other seas. My hometown included. It might be months by the time this letter reaches you. I have many things to share, alongside stories on the [s]Dev[/s], the greater part of the world. Such as the legend of the Dragonslayer of Wano, forty seven bandits, and felling of the Mountain God. But for now, I’m healthy and hale, and I wish the same for you, Peppermint, the kids and Mr. Burnet. Signed Haku [/i][/color] [H2][CENTRE][color=fff200][b][ARC 3][/b][/color][/CENTRE][/H2] [H3][CENTRE][color=fff200][b][CHOWDER BLUNDER][/b][/color][/CENTRE][/H3]