[b]NATALIA[/b] Her eyes began to scrunch tightly as she came to with just as a big headache as she did earlier. Still dazed, she thought for a moment she was in the Impala but somehow was laying down across the seat. So when she opened her eyes and got blinded by a piercing white light, she started to panic. Desperately, she went to sit up but couldn't move, looking down seeing exactly where she was. "no....no no no...not here...not again" she whimpered, trying so hard not to cry as everything she had partially shut off in the back of her mind came flooding to the front. "I can't be here....I can't...." She continued to whimper and cry. Not only was she back here but she was back here without Cason to free her. She was alone, the others no where in sight, only the grime and mold on the tiled walls to be her company. "About time you woke up" the gruff demon from the barn area spoke up, walking over to her and leaning over her, his black eyes staring into her own hazel brown eyes. She wanted to say something snarky but no matter how much she tried, she couldn't open her mouth. "Cat got your tongue all of a sudden?" He laughed, "well that's just fine.. we can make you speak and we know you know that all too well" he toyed with her, pulling out a surgical blade from his pocket. Nat found herself shaking her head in an attempt to beg him not to do this, even though it was useless. He was right, she did know what they were capable of and making her speak or scream. Lowering the knife down, the demon pressed down on her arm, twisting the knife as if playing with her like she was a doll. Nat started whimpering and whining from the pain. That wasn't enough for her torturer however as he lifted the knife and slammed it into her shoulder hard and fast, leaving it to protrude. This did make Nat scream and sob uncontrollably, the hot seering pain her shoulder felt blinstsbtly unbearable. "More like it!! What other noise can we get out of you! Let's play shall we?!" He grinned sadistically, waving his arm to his comrade Davos to bring in the equipment. Nat shaking on the gurney as blood seeped out of her shoulder and down her arm. "But let's give you a chance to earn a break, I feel generous" he commented, "I'm not telling you anything" she said with anger, despite the tears falling down her cheeks. "Oh yes you will...why does Cason keep you as his?!" He demanded to know. "he doesn't!" She cried back. Wrong answer. A wet towel got pressed against her face whilst a lot of water got chucked on top of it- waterboarding her. Struggling to breath, she frantically thrashed against her restraints. [b]SAM AND MIKA[\b] Sam used his entire arm strength to keep Anna upright, wanting to just scoop her up into his arms bridal style to carry her out, but she was hot and sweating from the demon blood consumption. It broke his heart knowing she was probably forced to do it to try and stay alive and try to escape before they got there. He felt guilty for leaving her in that position even though he didn't deliberately do such a thing. He glanced around him at everyone in an heightened emotional state. Seeing his brother clearly distressed at seeing how bad Duke was whilst Mika was desperately trying to break Cason free with her bare hands due to not seeing the crow at nearby. He kept Anna out of the way beside him, ready to just scoop her up and get her out of the barn before it was too late when Mika's call to Dean to help her free Cason made him snap his head towards her. He saw her shaking her hands and assumed she just hurt them trying to find a way to open the neck restraint. He didn't even notice the tiny bit of smoke coming off her palms as she hid it instantly, but not so quickly that Cason wouldn't have noticed it. He watched on as Dean stormed over, seeing his anger boil over, Sam knew it was quite possibly game over for Cason. He tried to shield Anna's face from whatever Dean was about to do as he didn't want her to see it. Anna was too close to Cason and she was already distressed enough as it was. He couldn't hear what Dean was saying to the man, not could Mika but they couldn't stop themselves from watching anyway, both wincing as Dean stabbed Cason to make his point, whatever it was, perfectly clear. Mika found herself using one hand to cover her mouth as she watched Dean just be brutal to Cason before freeing him from the wall. Neither of them could see how Natalia would ever forgive Dean for this if she had witnessed what they just did. Watching Dean step away, chucking the bar on the floor and walking back to Duke. Sam forced himself to focus solely on Anna again, whilst Mika remained close to Sam and Anna to help him if he needed it. They saw Dean get help from Esme to hoist Duke off the ground and begin to vary him out of the barn, when Mika couldn't take it anymore, she HAD to help Cason. Yet as she stepped closer to him, Dean gave her the look and head shake to say 'leave him'. Her heart shattered when she got that silent command, putting her head down and started to follow them towards the barn doors. Then came the desperate pleas from Anna, begging them not to leave Cason, making Mika and Sam both close their eyes briefly to force themselves to not cry and give in. "....I'm sorry Anna .." Sam said sadly to Anna, opening his eyes and looking at her, sadness and sympathy in his eyes as he grabbed Anna, hoisted her up off the ground and carried her out the barn behind Dean, Duke, Esme and Mika. ------ Making it to the cars, something was off. Mika saw the impala door open and something bellowing in the breeze in the window. "Oh no...." She sighed, thinking Nat made a run for it. So she jogged ahead of everyone and ripped the paper out of the window. It was a pamphlet for the asylum Nat was once at. Then her eyes glanced downward and saw what she never wanted to see on the ground. Slowly bending down, she picked the items up before turning the others. "they took Nat" she simply stated with fear in her voice.