Using her newly disembodied state, Fellwing follows the strange wires further into the forest, hoping to locate their source. She eventually traces it back to the opening of a mine, presumably the mine Skobeloff had mentioned earlier, and she sees the wires crossing over the entrance, as if trying to keep something out. She then, for a moment, sees a flash of something: the bright, illusory bodies of a couple of dragons performing some sort of spell, but it's gone very quickly. However, she can gleam from it that this is some sort of older magic that other dragons performed a while ago, likely to keep others from going into the mine. However, the magic has been left unchecked for so longer that seemed to have... overgrown almost, like an un-attended plant, and has spread outwards to create the strange effect that Fellwing experienced trying to approach the mine. [hr] At Skobeloff saying he had wanted to check up on him, Coryn tilts his head to the side. [color=FF7F7F]"Me?" [/color]he says. He gives big smile. [color=FF7F7F]"Oh, I'm fine. Just tired from working all day... also may have swallowed some medicine that makes people sleepy, so there's that."[/color] He stretched out his front claws. [color=FF7F7F]"See, my front legs are a bit on the stubby side, so picking stuff up can be... tricky. I also don't have claws on my wings like a few other dragons, so I sometimes have to pick up stuff my jaws."[/color] [color=29465B]"It is an [i]actual[/i] miracle that you haven't poisoned yourself yet,"[/color] Lazward says. Coryn give him a look. [color=FF7F7F]"Hey, I don't pick up the really dangerous plants in my jaws!"[/color] he protests. He then looks at the floor before mumbling, [color=FF7F7F]"Besides, Heliotrope doesn't usually let me around those anyway."[/color] [color=29465B]"No, really, I wonder why,"[/color] Lazward responds flatly. [hr] [color=8D3A19]"Hm?"[/color] It took Rudrick a moment to recall what Shieldwing was referring to. [color=8D3A19]"Oh! That!"[/color] He slaps his forehead with one of his wings. [color=a0410d]"Just overseeing some simple flight exercises for some of the newly-winged drakes.[/color]" He laughs. [color=8D3A19]"You know, a lot of them think that once they can use their wings that flying will come naturally to them, but it's not always true. I know me and Garrock certainly weren't the strongest fliers starting out."[/color]