John started walking and said “why don’t you do a web search on the myth of Hades and his bride the goddess of spring? I don’t do well with computers so you might have better luck. Let’s get the basics and go from there” Lucy eyes Chas and said “do I still make you uncomfortable Chas? I mean we have known each other for so long…I figured you would have gotten used to me by now” he eyed the other three and moved to shake hands with Drake first. “Pleasure to meet you…” when he took the lads hand, Drakes eyes glowed silver and Lucifer smiled a bit more. “I see…well, now I’m getting a bit of an idea…relative of yours Serena?” Serena smirked and said “in a way…” Lucifer nodded and moved to Fia and shook her hand then kissed the top of it. “Well aren’t you a beauty. There’s a fire in you I haven’t felt in years…” he moved to Josh and shook his hand and said “and what is it you desire?” Drake turned and blushed, knowing this might be awkward knowing his father. Serena panicked a little, not sure how this would go.