[b]SAM[/b] Seeing Anya smile brightly at his explanation on how to win Dean over. The way her whole face seems to light up when she genuinely smiled like that was so sweet and refreshing to see. She seemed like a totally different person when she smiled that brightly, like there was an air of confidence ins her just dying to come out more often. With the movie playing again, he settled back into a comfortable position and watched the rest of the film. When the film finished, he ejected the dvd and put it back in its case before turning the TV off as Anya got up off the bed and stretched. Getting up himself, he took did a stretch before walking round to the other side of the room. He smiled at her words, glad that he could be a part of her feeling truly relaxed. "I'm glad. I know how hard it is to feel properly relaxed some days" he replied to her. "So...kitchen?" He suggested with a shrug and smile, pointing in the direction of his door. He had to admit, now they they had finished watching the film, he was feeling peckish and could do with heading to the kitchen to grab something. [b]LEXI[/b] Lexi had no idea that Dean was fighting the same urge as she was, but seeing his raised eyebrows at her words, turn into a proud smirk made her smile all the more. There really was something about that damn smile of his that just made her heart do skips and flips in her chest. She hadn't felt that since the very first day she met her except. She didn't even think anyone could make her feel that anymore, but here Dean was proving her completely wrong. She smiled more at his reply of being happy to be of service. A light chuckle escaping her lips at his remark. [i]"why are you making it so hard to not reach across to you?"[/i] she thought to herself, glancing back at him when he brought the conversation back to work. She had to admit, he had a point. Guys like who they're about to see, usually did bolt if another guy showed up but the moment a woman turned up? They instantly felt they were on an advantage. "Makes sense, if it is a kid like I think then chances are he'll feel more comfortable if it's just me that appears. But I know you got my back" she replied to him, looking right at him whilst he continued to drive. "I'll get what we need our of him and just walk back to the car. If I need you I'll give some kind of signal behind my back" she suggested. In her eyes, discreet signals always worked a charm, but she was also very much aware that there could be a time when they don't.