[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220729/023912a75a8a9b16c801799640a60148.png[/img] [b]Word Count:[/b] 1,665 [b]Level 9 Roxas:[/b] 17/90 [b]Exp Gained:[/b] +2 [b]NEW EXP Balance---[/b] 19/90 [h3]Skyworld[/h3][/center] Roxas’ time in Skyworld had been relatively simple in comparison to the other Seekers he had arrived with. Unlike Pit and Midna - who had all been dedicating much of their time to fighting the corruption known as the Gloom - Roxas had instead been trying to study it more than anything. It started out as a simple curiosity as to how the Gloom worked, and Roxas wondering if it was anything like the Darkness he was used to seeing. Well, it sort of morphed into Roxas becoming a scout of sorts. His initial curiosities had led to him taking on the role of a scout to survey areas corrupted by the Gloom in order to document its effects and maybe even discover a way to combat it or purge it outright, however slim those chances were. Whatever data Roxas collected with his Rotom Phone, he’d made a habit of sharing it with Celia. The seemingly-cyber angel was essentially in charge of most of the recon and information-gathering, so whatever findings Roxas discovered could be handed directly to Palutena by her. Of course, so far, Roxas’ findings amounted to precious little. He’d quickly figured out that the “darkness” of the Gloom was not actually the same as the “Darkness” he was familiar with. It was more of a germ, or plague than anything else. This meant that Roxas had to be careful about keeping his distance lest he be corrupted himself. But his surveying wasn’t all for nothing, as his efforts did also allow the angels to keep a good tab and where the Gloom was spreading to and react accordingly. So it’s not like his efforts were all a complete bust. The other thing the Nobody tried to be on the lookout for was the Gloom’s source. From his few days of exploring and surveying, he noticed that the corruption looked worse as one got closer to the third corrupted island. In fact the island itself didn’t even look much like an island at this rate. Instead it looked like a nasty mass of tarry sludge and yellow crystals. His gut instinct told him that if there’s a source to all this, it had to be in there somewhere. He wondered at first if that could be the work of a Guardian, like the one that was spreading an infection in the Under. But Skyworld was in the Sandswept Sky, so Roxas had a feeling there wasn’t a Guardian to be found up here. But it never hurts to check, anyway. But during all this, the Gloom itself wasn’t the only thing Roxas had been observing. A few of the creatures making their home on the sky islands were actually Pokemon that Roxas was able to identify with the Rotom Phone. Species such as Sigilyph, Togetic, and Flaaffy could be sparsely found on a couple of the islands in addition to creatures that the Rotom Phone couldn’t identify. But there was one particular Pokemon that Roxas had been keeping tabs on - a [url=https://shop7.webmodule.prestashop.net/pokedoge/13748-large_default/golett.jpg]Golett[/url]. It was unlike any other Pokemon Roxas had seen thus far, even other Goletts. It wasn’t gleaming and therefore that meant it had to be New Life. From what Roxas could tell, it seemed a little lonely, almost like Golett could tell it was different from the others somehow but didn’t understand why. And Roxas wanted to help it with that, and take it with him if he could. He just needed to find a good chance to approach it. And today would be that day. Roxas had decided to switch to his Twilight Town Clothes that day so that he could hopefully approach Golett without trying to startle or scare it off by looking combat ready. He walked closer to it as the Golett appeared to be staring at a reflection of itself in a nearby pond. [color=gold]”Hi there, Golett.”[/color] Roxas said gently. The Pokemon stirred and turned to look at the human who had approached it, [color=gold]”It’s okay, I’m not here to hurt you. My name’s Roxas.”[/color] Roxas gestured toward himself as he spoke his name. “Gol…?” came a vaguely mechanical-sounding whisper of a voice from the Pokemon as a response. It wasn’t afraid yet, but there did seem to be a bit of nervousness that was ultimately outweighed by the Pokemon’s own curiosity. Namely because Golett was noticing that Roxas was like itself - not gleaming. [color=gold]”You’ve probably noticed that you’re not like the other Pokemon around here, haven’t you?”[/color] Roxas guessed, which elicited a sad nod from Golett. [color=gold]”I can’t imagine how lonely that must be. But you don’t have to be alone anymore, not if you don’t want to be. Have a look.”[/color] Roxas released Scamp and Shocker from their Poke Balls so that Golett could see that they, too, were the same. [color=gold]”See? They’re like you! We can all be your friends.”[/color] Roxas held out an empty Poke Ball as an offering. Golett stared at it with consideration, and then took a heavy lung backward while putting up its fists. Despite the defensive gesture, it looked like it was lit up with excitement. [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uz2G5q3Q0Eg[/youtube][/center] [color=gold]”Ah, I get it. You wanna test us first. Okay, Scamp, you’re up!”[/color] with that, the Yamper took his position and barked with a bow-wark. [color=gold]”Use Nuzzle!”[/color] Roxas called out. He smartly wanted to inflict paralysis to make the rest of the battle more smooth for him. Or, at least, it [i]would[/i] have been smart if not for Golett being a Ground type. Scamp bounded up to Golett and performed the move as instructed. But the move didn’t seem to do anything and instead Golett swatted Yamper away with a Shadow Punch. [color=gold]”Why didn’t it work?”[/color] Roxas questioned, then tried to find the answer on his Rotom Phone. [color=gold]”What, [i]Ground[/i] type? Uh oh.”[/color] Once Golett’s typing became apparent, Roxas thought he might be in trouble since both his Pokemon were Electric types. And sure enough Golett was jumping up to perform a ground type move called Stomping Tantrum. [color=gold]”Scamp get outta there!”[/color] Roxas suddenly called with urgency. He managed to recall Scamp into his Poke Ball before he could take massive damage from the attack. How was he going to deal with a Pokemon that was immune to all of his strongest attacks and whose own moves were super effective against his team? [color=gold]”Hmm, give it a shot, Shocker. Use Confuse Ray!”[/color] “Ro-to-to-to!” The Rotom called out with his electronic voice. Meanwhile, Golett was trying to use Stomping Tantrum again, a move whose power doubled if the previous attack missed or failed. But luckily Roxas’ hunch proved right. Shocker was completely unaffected by Ground moves thanks to his floating in the air! As such, the Rotom was able to get off its Confuse Ray without a hitch. This made Golett stagger about in confusion. [color=gold]”Use Double Team!”[/color] Roxas called. He thought it would help Shocker avoid taking a super effective Shadow Punch, although he didn’t know that Shadow Punch was a particularly special move that couldn’t miss. For now it didn’t matter. While Shocker multiplied himself, Golett continued to stagger around and accidentally hit itself in confusion when it tried to attack with a Shadow Punch. [color=gold]”Now hit it with Air Slash!”[/color] Roxas called. Shocker’s fan blades began to spin and fired off a gust of razor-sharp wind at the staggering Golett. The attack connected and did decent damage, not enough for a knock out - which was fine because that wasn’t Roxas’ goal anyway. [color=gold]”Here we GO!”[/color] Roxas said as he lobbed an empty Poke Ball at the still-confused Golett. The Ball struck and opened up to pull Golett inside and then landed on the ground while snapping shut. The Poke Ball wiggled once, then twice, then… [i]click[/i]. [color=gold]”Yeah, we did it!”[/color] Roxas celebrated, even releasing Scamp and Golett out of their Poke Balls. Roxas and Golett bumped their fists together, a new partnership forged. [center][hider=For Roxas][b]Titan[/b] [img]https://shop7.webmodule.prestashop.net/pokedoge/13748-large_default/golett.jpg[/img] [b]Species:[/b] Golett [b]Ability:[/b] [i]Iron Fist[/i] - Increases the power of punching moves by 20% [b]Moveset[/b] [b]Shadow Punch:[/b] 60 (72 due to Iron Fist) base power physical ghost type attack. Ignores changes to Accuracy and Evasion checks. [b]Stomping Tantrum:[/b] 75 base power physical ground type move. The move’s power is doubled if the user’s previous attack missed or failed. [b]Defense Curl:[/b] Stat move, raises the user’s defense by 1 stage (15%) up to a maximum of 6 stages. Stat changes are lost if the Pokemon faints or is switched out. [b]Curse:[/b] Ghost type move that works differently for non-ghost types. A ghost type user cuts its own HP in half in order to inflict the special curse status onto an opponent. Cursed opponents will lose 25% of their health every turn unless they are switched out.[/hider][/center] [hr] [center][@DracoLunaris][@Archmage MC][@Yankee][@MULTI_MEDIA_MAN][/center] Later that same evening, Roxas finally made it to the Crystal Spire where the other Seekers had gathered. He was admittedly a bit late, primarily because his own activities made it a bit harder for him to call for a ride away from the corrupted sky islands he explored. And because he changed back into his Mission Clothes after arriving back from his scouting. But nevertheless, he was there now, just after Edelgard had approached the group and made her introduction. [color=gold]”Sorry… I’m late…”[/color] he said in between gasps for breath, indicating that he’d been sprinting there after he got dropped off by his angel carriers. He took a few moments to catch his breath, during which time the other Seekers were introducing themselves to Edelgard - whom Roxas was only just now realizing was standing next to him. [color=gold]”Ah, I’m sorry!”[/color] He apologetically said and saluted the obviously higher-ranked lieutenant. [color=gold]”I’m Roxas.”[/color] He said. [color=gold]”I don’t exactly have a fancy rank or anything, but I’ve been helping Celia with scouting corrupted islands.”[/color] Unfortunately, he didn’t exactly get a chance to say much else. Palutena’s big announcement came and a lot of angels suddenly started barking orders and mobilizing into action. The same was true of his friends too. So much so that both Midna and Sectonia had gone before Roxas could ask either of them for a lift. And obviously none of the angels could afford to carry someone when they were all going into battle like this. He looked around and realized that Edelgard hadn’t taken off yet with her newly-acquired mount. And so despite only having just met her, Roxas found himself awkwardly approaching and speaking with a sheepishly embarrassed look on his face. [color=gold]”Um, would you mind if I… uh, you know?”[/color] He was gesturing toward Ortho. Obviously being one of the only other wingless people in Skyworld, Roxas was very much in need of a ride to get to the battle. [color=gold]”Normally I’d get a lift from Midna or Sectonia, but… you know… I was late and all.”[/color]