[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240315/de039f859a0f7ed86c79f6d4265d3386.png[/img] [@DisturbedSpec] [b]Word Count:[/b] 557 [b]Level 3 Captain Falcon:[/b] 20/30 [b]Exp Gained:[/b] +1 [b]NEW EXP Balance---[/b] 21/30 [H3]Mafia Town[/h3][/center] The Captain’s deliveries were all going quite well, to say the least. But that wasn’t any kind of news. Falcon’s skills in that department were superb and so it would have been more odd if he didn’t do well here. Well, he was distracted at times by his scanning the various parts of the harbor for any sign of the man Zhao was looking for, and so that occasionally affected his payouts. But the payouts weren’t the main goal here, so that didn’t mean much to Cap at this time. What wasn’t going so well was his search. He still hadn’t seen any sign of the guy he was looking for. Funnily enough, he spotted Therion at one point although the thief looked to be leaving the harbor when he did. It was smarter not to approach him and draw attention anyway. But Therion wasn’t who Cap was on the lookout for, and he honestly wasn’t sure how much longer he planned to keep going before calling it a night. One of the things that did catch his attention was the group claiming to be from a “Yokohama Trading Company”. That name wasn’t familiar to Falcon, but the way the unloaders and other workers looked and operated seemed promising. They’re looks and style of dress seemed vaguely similar to the man he was looking for, although none of them was an actual match. Still, Cap decided he should probably try to hang around this particular area for a while and see if it panned out. And that of course meant narrowing down his area for pickups and deliveries. Normally that would limit one’s earning potential, but once again, that wasn’t Cap’s current objective. And besides, the harbor was full of things he could potentially ramp and trick his bike off of in an attempt to generate extra stunt points for his deliveries. As long as he was careful not to disturb any of the contents in the shipping containers or any of the people working around them. During this stint of monitoring, Falcon caught sight of another familiar face - Geralt. Cap’s rather over-the-top riding performance made him rather hard to miss so it was safe to assume that the Witcher might have spotted him at some point. Although with Falcon currently using his lack of helmet as a disguise it wasn’t likely Geralt would recognize him. And like with Therion earlier, trying to approach him or send him some kind of signal would draw unnecessary attention. So Cap figured it was best to let Geralt be for the time being. The man was something of a bounty hunter like himself, so Falcon was sure he could trust that Geralt wasn’t up to anything bad. [color=1f66b2]”Hmm, still no sign of that fellow.”[/color] Falcon said to himself after he had brought his bike to a stop in order to give himself a short break. [color=1f66b2]”Maybe he’s not here after all. Should I call it quits or give it some more time?”[/color] He asked himself. Although as he was pondering that, Cap had no idea that all the operations in the harbor - including his own food deliveries - were being watched by a certain mercenary from somewhere on the upper levels.