[@Zarkun][@Sanguine Rose] [color=00746b]"Keep your guard up. We still have an Alpha to possibly contend with. Over."[/color] He glanced around their surroundings with uncomfortably paranoid glances. This was going too smoothly. It was entirely possible that the swarm from before decided that they were not worth the effort, but a strange nagging would not stop clawing the inside of his stomach. They were intelligent creatures that utilized sophisticated pack hunting strategies to hunt down their prey and there was something else to consider; just because they couldn't see the Asterin didn't mean that the Asterin couldn't see them. They were predators, pack hunters that stalk their prey. It wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility that they were following them, biding their time. Maybe he was just being paranoid, wasting his energy over imaginary scenarios. If they haven't been attacked again then maybe the Asterin really gave up. However, he had not survived on his own for as long as he had by taking everything at face value. Nolan took a deep breath and focused his gaze. However, a thought occurred to him. Pressing his earpiece, he asked, [color=00746b]"Hey, what exactly are the hunting patterns of Asterin?"[/color] He knew that he was showing his lack of knowledge, but he was not going to let a foolish sense of pride force him to remain ignorant to the enemy at hand. It was times like this that reminded Nolan that he was a stranger in a strange land. These were monsters that he was not acquainted with, something very much to his disadvantage. However, he was more wary of the people than the monsters. One inkling of suspicion and everything he was working towards was over.