[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/T7qbbS2.png[/img] [h3]The Capital - Nieve[/h3] [/center] “It’s lovely to meet you Wu Qing'e” the witch night replied to the introduction before saying that “ I’m going to thank you anyway, but for having that attitude in that case. Things’d be so much better without people squirting away knowledge for their own personal gain” Like the fact that anyone from her world could be the focus of a link chain, that that worlds people could choose their own heroes, not just a team hand picked by former corporate marketing experts. “Oh, and I like your nails,” she added, briefly admiring the polish work and inquiring about where Wu had gotten it from/done while Sanae did a bit of reading before the prospect of paying for the book came up. “Yup. Well. A bit. I did a few odd jobs around the village and for the caravan while not practicing your non lethal spell card magic ” she replied, fishing around in one of her hip pouches and pulling out her not exactly substantial collection of coinage. A decade of experience with farming made for a reliable if not exactly high earning set of skills and refusing to be paid for her heroism didn’t exactly help either. Still, better to have some coin than none, and Sanae’s lack did make her worry a bit. “Do you think the others made any money? We’re gonna have to pay for food and places to stay now that we’re not with the caravan” she pointed out, before adding “assuming Lady Remilia’s idea doesn’t pull through, I mean” not particularly confident that it would if she was being honest.