[@FujiwaraPhoenix] [@Izurich] [@Drifting Pollen] [center][h2][color=8dc73f]Fran[/color][/h2][/center] [center][h3]Nieve — Embassy[/h3][/center] [quote]"Just stick close to me, alright? I won't let them do anything to hurt you."[/quote] Due to Fran's bangs, Anne was unable to see the look of surprise in the berserker's eyes upon hearing those words. Wasn't it the other way around? Still, to hear the futuristic swordsmen, who initially eyed her with suspicion and mistrust, say she now has her back was unexpected... ...but so very welcome. [color=8dc73f]"Ah!"[/color], Fran replied with a genuine smile as the trio made their way their next destination. [center][h3]Nieve — Mages' Guild[/h3][/center] Out of all the possibilities Fran thought of when meeting a member of Nieve's royal court, this was definitely not one. Certainly, not in the form of a red headed woman coming out of a smoking room where there was a recent explosion. A curious introduction, that's for sure. [quote]"It's my utmost pleasure to meet you, Your Highness, I am Lady Remilia of House Scarlet, here from distant lands, one of the people your ambassador spoke of."[/quote] [quote]"Anne Mayer. I'm a Knight currently in Lady Remilia's service."[/quote] [color=8dc73f]"Fran. Body...guard...for...Lady...Remi...lia."[/color], Fran chimed in, following Anne's lead in pretending to be in service to their vampire companion.