[b]NATALIA[/b] With a signal, the water stopped pouring on her head and the cloth got removed. Natalia started coughing as she felt air reach her lungs once more. "now let's start again shall we? Why is Cason obsessed with you?!" Davos asked once more, "he isn't!" She said back, still determined to protect Cason and herself, even if it meant this torture continued. Davos again didn't approve of her answer, "lies. We all know that's pure lies. You think we don't know he betrayed us by keeping you alive here last time? Oh we knew he was taking pity on you!" Davos retorted, deciding to play dirty with his words sooner than he originally planned. Natalia's eyes went wide when he told her they knew the whole time. She was certain all that time ago Cason got away with not being found out. Her memory was foggy at best, but being reunited with Cason did open up memories enough for her to know what was real and what was false. Seeing her reaction brought glee to Davos, he knew in that instance he was getting somewhere, despite Natalia's insistence on lying. "if I died you'd have never gotten any information about my brother's or dad. You'd have never found a link to get close to them!" Nat quickly started to concoct an idea in her head to try and spin a theory of Cason not actually betraying them, but playing her instead. It seemed to be enough as she saw Davos' eyes twitch as he thought about her words. "Think about it. Playing good cop with me means he'd get close. If he's betrayed anyone it's me!" She continued, of course she didn't believe any single word she was spinning but she was desperate and now thinking 'what would Dean do?' in this situation. Mind games. She had to try and mind games. This however didn't seem to go down well as Davos quickly punched her in the side of her face. "You may have a point but you know why I'm not believing it fully? Of course you don't, you're a mere human and a cocky Winchester at that. The reason why is because he's still hanging around your little group! Word has it he's gone soft for you. But here's the thing....we got word he's dead. Alastair didn't like his games and got bored, so we just killed Cason. No more demon lap dog for you!" Davos spoke, smirking finally feeling smug once again as his words clearly had the desired effect. Nat thrashed her arm against her restraints, desperately trying to break free to attack him before beginning to cry at the thought of Cason dead. He can't be dead, he just can't be. He was her solace to recovery, her reason to keep fighting and living. She loved him even if he couldn't ever feel the same toward her back, even if he was never able to tap into his old human feelings, she still loved him. Davos and his lackie started laughing, finally. They were wetting somewhere with the most stubborn hunter they've had to deal with in a short while. "I knew it! You do have feelings for him!" He chuckled. "It's not like that!" Nat cried, trying to convince them of something she couldn't lie about. "as if we'd ever believe anything you'd say! You do realise even if he WAS alive, he's a demon! He'd never love you!" Davos said with malice and conviction, really twisting the verbal knife into her heart. She shook her head, being in denial that Cason didn't feel ANYTHING for her, tears streaming down her now rapidly swollen cheeks. Davos then looked to his lackie and have the signal to have his fun with the Winchester. "have at her. After tonight's ambush, the boys won't be able to stand much more, so if this one dies, she dies and it all goes in our favour" he explained, turning on his heel to leave. But before he exited the room, he paused by the door frame and looked over his shoulder, "try not to die too quickly for him pet. Keep that false hope that your demon bodyguard will come save you. If youre lucky, maybe you'll see each other again back in Hell" he smirked, then left the room. Natalia's screams echoed through the building, she couldn't take much more, the seering pain coursing through her a hammer came down on her shoulder, breaking it. A knife carving through the skin on her abdomen. She didn't know how much more she could take, the pain from the broken shoulder just overtaking everything else. Tears streaming down her face as she tried to ignore the pain and come to terms with the news that Cason was gone. He wasn't coming to save her like last time, no one was coming for her. For all she knew they were all dead or if any were alive then they were too focused on themselves. She wouldn't blame them if they chose to ignore her and leave her for dead. She was the ticking time bomb emotion wise, she was the one Dean considered a liability in her eyes. Maybe it would be better if she did just die here in the place that started it all. In the distance, she heard screams and growls of hellhounds. 'whats one more new torture to add to the list?' she thought to herself, thinking the hounds were here for her. [b]SAM[/b] Anna's cries and begging was tearing Sam apart. He did want to go back for Cason, he really did but he knew if he did it would just get them all killed. He saw how the barn lights began to flicker, a sign he knew all too well when it came to demons. "Anna we can't....I'm so sorry...to you and him...." He told her, trying to his hardest to not let his voice crack. When she stopped screaming as they got half way up the hill he felt equally relieved and terrified of her silence. He just somehow knew she was beginning to resent him and not have faith in his decision making. He didn't like he was following Dean's decision so blindly but he didn't know what else he could have done. He couldn't have carried Anna and Cason and he knew as strong Mika was, she couldn't have carried Cason by herself. He continued to walk up to the cars, deciding that as Dean and Esme were choosing the impala to take Duke to the hospital, he would take Duke's truck. He saw Mika picking up something off the floor after plucking something out of the impala's window. It was weird and highly suspicious to him, he knew they had all doors closed when they left Natalia in there, but why wasn't Natalia in the car? "What's going on?" He asked but wasn't expecting anyone to answer him as Mika soon answered his burning question by talking to Dean. His blood ran cold, he felt like all colour drained from his face when he heard those dreaded words: 'They've taken Nat'. It felt like the world was crumbling away from under his feet and he was ready to brace himself for the neverending fall. He couldn't speak, the very basic skill knowledge to do so just vanishing out of his brain. He barely heard Dean ask Mika to say again what she just stated, all their voices sounding like far away echoes. He only mentally came back into the scene when Dean screamed his frustration and fear. He knew Dean wouldn't be able to take much more, that his brother on the edge of just throwing it all in and declaring he was out. His own hands balling up into fists to try and stop them from shaking. He watched as Mika's hands shook as she held onto the three things. Two of which he recognised instantly, the old photo Nat had on her from the day they saved her and her asylum wristband. The third he didn't recognise. That was until Esme came round from the other side of the impala and took it from Mika's hands. Seeing Esme react the way she did told him that she knew more about whatever was on that pamphlet than she had ever let on in the past. But he couldn't even be suspicious of why Esme was reacting this way because he was too scared he was about to lose their only sister. He vowed from the first day they discovered Nat was a Winchester that he would protect her and would never let her get taken back to the asylum, but here Esme was suddenly saying that's exactly where Nat was. He wanted to punch something...anything but there was nothing to punch. He stepped round in a restless and hopeless circle, holding his head with his hands as he tried to not cry. He listened to Esme read the message out loud, analysing the words she had spoken, "you were there too....that's why you know where she is" he said in disbelief. Lowering his hands once more he felt more antsy and like a complete failure to Natalia. [b]MIKA[/b] She never thought she would be telling Dean those words, especially on an already tightly strung chaotic and emotional night, but here Mika was saying exactly those words: Natalia has been taken. She looked at everything in her hands, the pamphlet in one hand and the photo with wristband in the other. Her hands were shaking as she stared at the items, tears pricking the edges of her eyes. Over time she had begun to feel so responsible and maternal towards Natalia even though she would be more like a sister to her, she still felt like it was her job to be a mixture of a sister and morher like influence on the girl. She let Esme come round the car and take the pamphlet from her hands, unable to stop Esme. She really didn't want to say the words a second time so when Anna said them for her as Esme took the item, she just stood there. She looked up at Dean as he grappled with thoughts in his head and the new bit of information. Hear him scream into the night sky about this situation made her wince slightly and finally let the tears fall. She didnt know whether to comfort Dean or keep her distance as he tried to compute everything going on. "Dean.... we'll get her back" she said before Esme read the note out loud, making her look to the woman. "You're not going alone...no frigging way. Nat is our family we're getting back" she said. She couldn't just sit back letting Esme do a rescue mission alone. Looking around at their group, she saw how Sam was also struggling with everything, she knew what Sam had always promised Nat and knew this must be absolutely tearing him apart thinking he had failed Nat. After a few seconds of compressing their dire situation, she finally spoke up. "Okay...we all get Duke to the hospital and then we decide what to do to get our girl back. I'll take Nat's car, Sam you and Anna take Duke's truck and Esme you go with Dean in Baby." She instructed, not even thinking about what she was telling Esme to do. Only Nat mattered right now. [b]AT THE HOSPITAL[/b] Mika stood and leaned on Nat's car as she waited outside with Sam and Anna whilst Dean and Esme helped the doctors and nurses put Duke onto a gurney and rushed him into the hospital. Her arms folded across her chest, left foot over her right, dwelling on the little information they knew about where Natalia was. It was either think about the rescue mission or continue getting worried sick about Duke and hoping he survived this injury. She loved Duke like another brother. He always had her back even when he was off hunting with Dean and Esme, and she always could talk with him via a burner phone in secret to find out how Dean was doing during their long break. He was the only one other than Bobby who actually had any kind of empathy or sympathy for her. She couldn't bare loosing him, she just took scared to admit that to either Dean or Esme incase they thought she had no right to feel this way. "Please survive this brother" she mumbles under her breath as a silent prayer to Duke. Her thoughts got interrupted when Sam came over and hugged her, "I get it Meeko...they both need to come back to us in their own way" Sam told her, making Mika just break and clung tightly to him. "I'm scared we won't come back this if Duke dies and we don't get Nat back. I'm more terrified Dean won't come back from this....I can only be his anchor to such a limit. If we lose them, I'll lose him, I can't go through that again" she admitted to him, burying her head in his chest to try and stop her crying. "We'll get them both back, I'm determined to fight til my dying breath to make it happen. I swore to Nat I'd never let her get taken back there, I have to make this right" he told her, before sighing and pulling away, wiping her tears from her cheek and stepping back to Anna. Seeing her still in the truck, he got back in in the driver's side and sat there in silence. "I need you to forgive me Anna" he quietly said before a nurse came out and started talking to Anna about her own injuries, then giving him a suspicious look. Even though it didn't make him look any more innocent, he looked down at the steering wheel, his hands firmly on it as his brain told him exactly what this nurse was thinking. "They're right Anna...go get checked out, I'll be here" he mumbled. He let Anna go into the hospital with the nurse before lowering his head onto his hands. "This is such a mess" he sighed to himself. Outside, Mika saw Dean come back outside to them all, still looking as worried as ever. Hesitantly at first, she walked over to him and just hugged him. "He's a fighter Dean...he's too stubborn to die on us" she told him, refusing to let him go. "so for now, let's get a plan together to get our girl back" she suggested, pulling away just enough to look him in the eyes, stroking his cheek with her thumb. She only pulled away more when his phone off with a text from Esme.