Hmm, I'm not going to answer all the questions, as some don't fit the background I have in mind at all (i.e., "this is the first time interacting with other [i]people[/i]")~ 'Sides, they're not a checklist [hider=Caria Questions] [i]Have you ever communicated with an Arcanum, or are they silent and distant?[/i] They're chattier than the plants and the animals! Still don't talk a ton, though; but hey, it's thanks to them [i]I[/i] know how to speak. Or read. [i]Do you rely on your burning passion, or do you strive to keep it under control?[/i] Eh? You [i]don't[/i] put 100% into everything? [i]What do your weapons and fighting style look like?[/i] You see this biiiiiiiiig axe? I swing it! [i]What led you to live a life of endless travels? Was it your choice? ...are you tired?[/i] Well, sticking around is boring. And nope, it's great~ [i]Is there a place or person that feels like “home” to you?[/i] Swordy's shrine is great! Although, it's hard to get back there, even if it's in the middle of nowhere that empire makes it hard to get around.[/hider] Also, answering these got this stuck in my head: [youtube][/youtube] (It's a remix of [i]The Gensokyo the Gods Loved[/i]. Also, Mystia's Izakaya is a super chill game to play)