[h2]Fujiwara no Mokou[/h2] "Interdimensional? I've seen something like that, but that was all one Earth," Mokou said, regarding the swordfight as the impressive but ultimately harmless display that she was sure it was. How many different methods of interdimensional travel [i]were[/i] there? There was Gensokyo, sealed off from the world as it was, and then there was the Lunar Capital cut off from the [i]moon[/i]. Then there was the Netherworld, Heaven, Hell, the old Hell that [i]wasn't[/i] separated in any fashion… and here there was a woman who knew parallel Earths. And of course, they were all on a different place entirely, now. Those symbols, though… "Nope, they don't mean anything to me. It's not onmyoudo." And that was about as much familiarity as she was going to have with magical symbology.