[center][abbr=Primrose][img]https://i.imgur.com/zqHOn9T.png[/img][/abbr] [color=D34C25]Word Count: 727 (+1 exp) [u]Level[/u]: [b]11[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 163/110 [i]Monday Evening.[/i] [b]Location[/b]: Meridi-at-Han, Forbidden Kingdom[/color] [color=gray]𝙱𝙿[/color] [color=gold]●[/color][color=gray]●●●●[/color][/center] The ladies took Goldlewis' invitation and sat at his table. Kayna dragged her attention away from the tents below and smiled at the two men. She was, of course, completely oblivious to the look the old veteran gave her, but Primrose caught it. With the three of them together, this [i]would[/i] be a good time to talk about their mission. However they weren't pressed for time at the moment, so the dancer said nothing - from the few times she'd dined with Kayna before, she figured the monster rider would drift off on her own as soon as she was finished. They made idle chit chat while staff came around, took their orders and delivered the girls their own meals. Primrose was still picking through her plate of [url=https://i.imgur.com/XRczatZ.png]food[/url] even after Kayna had finished multiple herself. Then, as expected, the woman stood up and put a large handful of zenny on the table. "That was good!" Kayna said, putting her hands on her hips and grinning. "Hope you don't mind if I take off though. I wanna check out the performance before heading back to the plateau." [color=D34C25]"By all means,"[/color] Primrose replied, seeing the young woman off with a small smile. Kayna nodded at her, and to Goldlewis and Roland. "Nice meeting you. See ya!" Just as Primrose predicted, Kayna headed down the stairs and left the Seekers to themselves. They were still missing one more recent arrival, but if the men wanted to get down to business they could do so now. For Primrose's part, she didn't jump right into that. She took her time to finish her meal first, though not before casting another glance at the circus tents and commenting on Roland's observation. [color=D34C25]"I'm not sure the city guard considers it a holiday. And the shape of those tents look a little grim, don't they."[/color] To be honest though, she was a bit curious too. She'd likely take a peek in a little bit. When she was done eating and listening to what the others had to say, Primrose leaned back away from the table slightly and crossed one of her legs over the other. As she spoke, her voice turned softer, still audible to her allies nearby but sounding like a flowery whisper to anyone further away. [color=D34C25]"Most of the things I've learned concern the Consuls in the larger area. B and J, south of us. R, a little north."[/color] Although from what she'd heard lately, it seemed like J wouldn't be an issue for the moment. She went on to briefly describe what she'd heard of B and R: that while the latter held a large territory she could mostly be found in the mountains below Esaka, and the former was a small and foul-tempered man that roamed the border between the Forbidden Kingdom and the City that Never Was. [color=D34C25]"Unfortunately, I haven't heard anything about that place besides how dangerous its 'transmission' is. No survivors, in that anyone that initially survived always went back into the city for some reason."[/color] She spared them the details about how the transmission killed people. From what she'd heard it was graphic, just sad - hypnotized until their bodies simply stopped working, and the skin of their faces began to melt away. It was likely they'd heard similar anyway. She sighed and moved on. [color=D34C25]"The other city, Esaka, I've heard more about. It seems to be led by a... 'Shitenno.' A group of four kings that rule by virtue of being the strongest. If anything, they may have some insight toward a Guardian in the area. Although... I doubt it will be as easy as asking."[/color] She figured that warrior martial artists like the four kings seemed to be would want to challenge themselves against a powerful creature. It was worth looking into. As before she filled the men in a little on the details she'd heard about the group, anything she'd managed to learn about the kings named Bison, Heihachi, Geese, and Shao Khan. That was about all she had that she thought was good intel. Rumors and silly tales abounded in a city like this, so it had taken some time to sift through everything she'd been told and determine what was fact and what was only fanciful. Finished with her report she leaned forward again, crossing her arms and resting them on the table.